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It was 5 am when my alarm rang. I groan as i switch it off, i was never a morning person. I get up heading to the bathroom to take a shower. I shower and head to my walk in closet and decude on wearing a pair of black pants with a black top and black jacket with black heels from Chanel with a black Belenciaga bag. Yeah, i know im rich but its not Daddys money, its my money which i worked hard for. I own a multi billion company which i built from the ground up. Yes, i did grow up quiet comfortabke with my rich parents and 2 sisters Alexis and Miya. I was the eldest yet they seemed to love my younger sisters more than they loved me.



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I walked out of my room and into the kitchen of my penthouse and get my water bottle out of the frigde

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I walked out of my room and into the kitchen of my penthouse and get my water bottle out of the frigde. Walking out i grab my keys to my porche and drive towards the small cafe where i get my morning coffee. "Hey Mel" i greet walking into the cafe. Melani or Mel for short is the owner of this cafe she comes in every morning just to make sure things are running smoothly. "Morning, the usual?" she asks "yes please" i reply with a smile and she returns one. She hands me my coffee and i was on my way to my office when my mother called. "Hi mum" i say greeting "Morning dear. I wanted to see if you were busy today." She says. "Yes ma, i have a very busy schedual today." I answer her truthfully "Oh. It seems like you're always busy." She says as if annoyed. "Well, anyways bye." Then she hangs up leaving me confused and frustrated. As if my morning couldnt get any worse some idiot knocked into my car. I lunged forward almost hitting my head on the stiring wheel. I pull over angry and jump out of my car to see the damage. "Oh my god." I say looking at the huge dent in my car. I look between my car and the other car to see that theres only a scratch made on the other car. The driver jumps out and i glance in his direction to see that he's wearing a suit. But i dont pay attention to him. "Im so sorry. I didnt mean to." He says his deep yet smooth voice catching my artention as i look to face him. I look up at his face , handsome the first word that pops up in my head as i look into his light blue eyes, his sharp hawline and his long dark hair. "Dude my car." I say snapping out of it and pointing to the huge dent in my car. "I know, i kniw im sorry. I'll -I'll pay for it to get fixed." he says as if nervous but i brush it off. "You know what. Its fine. I'll just get my driver to come with my other car and take this one to my mechanic" i tell him avoiding eye contact. "No, no. Please let me take you to work while i get my driver to take this to the mechanic." He says almost eagerly. " Fine, sure." I say hesitantly. I grab my watter bottle, purse and my coffee, thank god it didnt spill. He opens the door to his Mercedes and i jump in. " Im Damien by the way" he says introducing himself as if trying to make small talk. "Im Naiomi." I reply to him. We stay silent for the rest of the ride. "You work here?" He asks as we've arrived to my office. "Yeah, its my company after all." I say jumping out of the car. " Im sorry again, about your car. I'll make sure its fixed and deliverd to you by the end of the day." he says to me i guess he feels really bad about the accident. "Yeah, its fine. Bye." I say quickly walking away and into the building as he drives off. " Morning Ms.Belair." greeted my sectary Katlyn as i walk in. "Morning Katlyn. Any calls or messages." I ask as i greet."No ma'am. I will forward them to as soon as they arrive." she informs me as i walk away. I walk into my office and I'm greeted by my best friend Alicia. "Hey Mimi." She greets hugging me. "Morning Ali" I reply hugging her back. Alicia also owns a company that was handed down to her by her mother. We have workd together a couple of times. We havent seen eachother for a while since she was busy with a new project.. "So, how have you been." she asks me as i sit down on my office chair. "Girl." I say giving her a 'dont even ask' look. "Oh no" she said. "Some idiot decided to knock into me today." I inform her as she pits her phone down. "No, are you okay." "Yeah, I'm fine but my car isnt. It has a huge dent. Then the driver comes out, and he looked cute. He had light blue eyes a sharp jawline and long dark hair." I say to her describing Damien. "Oooooo" "No Alicia. I dont have time to waste on heartbrake." I tell her opening up my laptop hoping that she'll drop the topic. "Naiomi-" she starts then gets cut off when Katlyn walks in. "Im so sorry to disturb you ma'am. You have a meeting with Mr. Clark and he's waiting for you down in the lobby. " She informs me. "No problem. Ill be down in a minute." I say getting up. "Goodbye Alicia." I say walking out.

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