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It was 5pm and I was to leave work by 5:30pm and still my car wasn't here. I started to get worried until Katlyn walked into my office. "Ms.Belair" she says wlking into my office. "Yes. Whats the matter Katlyn?" I ask her a bit worried. "Oh, nothing ma'am. I just needed to inform you that your car has arrived in the parking lot about five minutes ago." She says and I internaly let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Katlyn. You can pack up and go home now." I tell her while my eyes are fixed on my computer. "Oh. But its not yet time ma'am." She says to me as if suprised. "I know that Katlyn but you can leave now." I tell her my eyes still fixed on my laptop. "Ok then. Thank you ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow morning." She says walking out of my office closing the door behind her. A few minutes later I pack my stuff. While going down the stairs to the lobby a get a phone call from my younger sister, Alexis. "Hey Alex." I say over the phone greeting her. "Hey Mimi. Mum wanted to find out if you were gonna be able to make it to dinner tonight." She says to me. But I'm pretty tired. "I'm sorry but I wont be able to make it to dinner toninght." I answer truthfully but I already know that as soon as she tells mum that I wont hear the end of it. "Okay then. Hey, are you free tomorrow?" She asks me hoping that I'll say yes. "Yeah. I only have one meeting in the morning then I'm free for the rest of the day." I tell wondering what she's got in plan. "Oh, perfect. I wanted to see if you could come with Miya and I to the mall. We were gonna watch a movie then go shopping and have lunch." she says as if excited. "Yeah,sure. No problem. Is 10 fine?" I ask wanting to spend time with them. We haven't been able to hang out in a while because of all of us having busy schedules. "Yeah. 10 is perfect. I'll see you tomorrow then. " She says excitedly. "Ok then. See you tomorrow. Bye." I say then hang up. I reach my car and jump in. Then I notice a card on the passenger seat. I take and notice that its from Damien,its his number. I study it for a while wondering why would he give me his number, maybe it was a mistake. I then put it back down brushing it off . I start my car and drive back to my penthouse. When I reach there I immediately go take a shower and put on some comfy clothes. I decided on a pink two piece.

I then head to the kitchen to have dinner

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I then head to the kitchen to have dinner. I decide on making lasagna with some salad on the side and water. Once I'm done with dinner I wash my dishes head to my bedroom and fall off to sleep thinking about Damien.


I was working in my office when I got a call from my brother David. "David. Whats up?" I ask greeting. "Are you really not coming?" He asks and immediately I know what he's talking about. "Yes David. I'm not going. I dont want to come. Now can you and Kyle stop calling me about this its actually getting annoying hearing you both keep talking about one thing over and over again." I tell him really frustrated and annoyed. "Okay,okay,geez. We'll stop." He said as he finally surrendered. "You guys free tomorrow?" I ask him while typing away at my keyboard. "I am but Kyle's got some project to work on so he's gonna be unavailable for a couple of days." He said a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Ok, cool. I'm free tomorrow. You down for a movie?" I ask him. "Yeah. 10 good." "Yeah, 10s fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him before saying goodbye and hanging up. After a few minutes I get a call from my mechanic. "Pete." I say to him picking up the phone. "Hey. The cars ready." he informs me. "Alright, I'll have my driver pick it up thanks." I say to him before hanging up. I call my driver and tell him to pick up Naomi's car. I also inform him to leave a card with my number on it in the passenger seat hoping that maybe she'll call me.

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