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Hey everyone. Just a reminder that this is my first book, so I was wondering if maybe I could get some ideas for my next chapter please. Thanks again for reading my book:)

I get up remembering that im heading to the mall with my brother today. I look at my phone for any missed calls hoping to see one from Naiomi and to my disappointment no missed calls show up except for one from my brother. I decided I'd call him back once I'm done getting ready. I decided on just going casual today since I'm only going to the mall.

After getting ready I make myself a cup of coffee,and then I get a phone call

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After getting ready I make myself a cup of coffee,and then I get a phone call. My heart drops a bit wondering if its her,but I already know the answer. She wasn't gonna phone anytime soon,or at all for a matter of fact. But... I keep asking myself why, why do I want her so much , why do I allow her to keep me on the edge of my seat waiting for a phone call, why do I want to trust her when I do trust nobody except for Brian,David and Kyle. They're the only ones. People are cruel and are not to be trusted at any cost. But she, she seems ... different somehow and I don't know how. Maybe its her confidence or her beautiful eyes or face or her beautiful everthing for that matter but she just seems different. I decide to check who's calling me and it was my brother. I shouldn't feel disappointed though, yet, I still do. "What's up?" I say greeting Daniel as I answer the phone. "Hey bro. Wanted to check if I'mma pick you up or are we just gonna meet there." He asks " We'll meet there." I tell him and then hang up.

After drinking my coffee I head out of my penthouse door grabbing the keys to my range rover on the way to the door. I pull up at the mall and I find Daniel waiting for me at the food court. "Hey." He says greeting me while giving me a bro hug. "Hey" I greet back as we walk towards the movie theater. "I heard the movie we're about to watch is insanely good." He said breaking the silence. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah actually. I saw the trailer, it was epic." He said and then I stopped dead in my tracks as I spotted someone familiar. "What's wrong.?" He asked confused and concerned at the same time. And then they turned and that's when I saw her.

As soon as I was done with my meeting I changed into some clothes. I decided on a brown and black outfit with black and white Niki shoes and tied my braids into a pony tail.

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