Potato dish#1 Spicy Potato nuggets

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~P~ the Debater

The thing about headphones is simple. When you wear them, you need peace, ignoring the wide world that is so excruciatingly unhopeful, and full of delusions that I will never have the power to find solutions of. And so, I succumb to the remedies of music. But for some people, such a concept may seem foreign because, well, we are social beings, and initiation is the key to surviving in a such a social yet distant world. Well utopia for me may be a world of blankness. I think, a concocted plan of the mighty to bring me to do the same has been initiated, because, the girl beside me won't stop chattering and blabbering. Even through my bOltt headphones, her pitch is beyond what my large ears can tolerate.

I know college looks like a place that is very confusing and you need people to talk about it, but I don't want some of them lingering around me when all I want is peace. Aren't headphones testimony to that?

"Whatcha listening to, mister?"

More questions, I see, girl, you are testing my patience.

"Uhm, just music."

"OH!" Yeah... what else are headphones used for?

"What kinda music do you listen to?" Peaceful music, I wanted to say but then, what does she know about peace?

"Mostly, country music and instrumentals. Rock sometimes."

"Oh!" I swear the satisfaction level of om may be spiritually beneficial for a ravenous being like me, but oh? Oh well, I might be getting irritated by the second.

Curiosity is a bug, and I wish to keep it that way. Nature certainly didn't give me even 1/10th of what may be bottled up inside her, which, just, seems like just the tip of the iceberg. I believe, the world is as it is, why to ask these many questions? As long as food's on my plate, and music is in my ears, what else do I need to ask for?

But this girl won't stop at that. Getting a little preposterous are we? Funnily enough, the social butterfly don't know the basics of social etiquettes. Despite being the best listener, and having a smily face, I am pushed out of social settings. Whereas people like her, successfully make their way to the crowds and make them theirs. Sometimes, they even own the world. Appreciable quality I must say.

"I love instrumentals too! Lyrics are good stuff but only music is something that... feels home and makes a world for me, away from everyone."

One thing she said, makes me level with her.

But the sudden spark she may have seen on my face, when she said this certainly made her smile and she went on and on about how music affects some corners of the mind and how psychology is also present in music. Something about music therapy after that. God, I am in Economics, I have nothing to do with psychology, except the part where it helps with the consumers and their behavior but other than that, my music is my music and again, I don't need to keep asking why is everything the way it is. Let me enjoy music, woman. I seriously need to work on my assertive skills.

"Anyway, I am from the Psychology department! What about you?"

Really? You don't say!

"I am from Economics."

"Economics! Oooohhh! Amazing!"

Third oh! Wow. I can't even imitate that much wonder.

"What is so amazing in it? All numbers and numbers."

"Hey! Every field has its edge that is very interesting."

"Well, that edge cuts deep you when you study it."

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