Potato dish#3 Vadapav with saucy Chutney

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~P~ the Debater

Okay even if I have been debating with my heart for 2 days, it and I both know, I miss her, I haven't gone head over heels or anything, but she did make good conversations. Interesting perspective. But I didn't see her even once. She did text, but I- just don't know what to say. It's just, talking over text is... not my cup of tea. I can speak for the seven worlds, but in text, I can't even sustain for seven minutes. I know introverts are mostly textroverts, but it isn't the case with me.

So I decided to reply.

But her texts are so HER.

Kritika: Top o' the morning to you, my fair potato. How are you? Good on starch?

Who the hell asks about the level of starch in a person, how do I reply to THAT? And what's the thing with potatoes? I am not replying.

And so time did what it did.

Time went by, and I forgot. About her.

But the universe didn't let me.

I was in the canteen, my headphones on my ears, buying food to appease my hungry soul, a simple vada pav, the cheapest thing in the canteen, and a chocolate roll for my sweet tooth. And a rumbly stomach to top it. Wait, my stomach doesn't rumble in a pattern, Oh! It's the phone. God help me.

My phone has been vibrating continuously and I realized it was ringing since I was trying to pay. My hot Vadapav will suffer due to this call. I picked it up. My biggest mistake that lead me somewhere.

"HEY PAVITR PADMAKAR!!" the same pitchy voice that I had quite missed, rang in my ears.

Pavitr? My name is Padmakar!

"Padmakar!" she yelled again.

"Hey, Kritika! How are you?" I replied.


"You didn't amaze me."

"Amazing to myself, Mr." Everything's about me"! Anyway, how are YOU? And where are the texts? Friends don't flee and leave on seen."

"Good, I am talking more. About the texts, well, I just don't know how to reply. Plus I am busy these days, so I don't check my phone. Vivas and stuff."

"You do know how chatting works right? You type! And it only takes a few seconds! Isn't that Eureka!"

"Will you please?"

"Okay okay fine, I will let it go but I need texts, otherwise this potato will go starchless for you."

"What does that even mean? What's the deal with potatoes?"

"People are potatoes, it makes them seem innocent, I have told you before darling, listen."

"Did you?"

"Uh-huh. Leave that, potatoes are a whole thing for me, anyway, how about your silence? You said you talk more now."

"Yeah that I do. And you know what it is a BIG distraction! I talk to myself in the classes  and my notebook is filled with it, and the shower. I am sure the neighbors thought I brought over someone."

"In your dreams."

"Hey! I am fully capable of having people over to my house."

"Fine then invite me."

"Not happening."

"Scared eh?"

"NO! I am not allowed to bring girls over, otherwise, I would."

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