Potato Dish#7 Chilli Cheese potato pockets(Surprise!)

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P~ The Debater

Being a hard-core Dostoevsky fan, still, I did not believe that 'beauty will save the world'. But it did. It saved me today. While I sit here on my balcony, I should love to let you know what happened afterwards. Holding the phone in my hand, I am shocked and aware of both. I knew this was going to happen, but I let it hang. 

So the morning of this day brought me confusion, brought me all my alternate futures, with and without her. "We are all fools in love." the statement of Sylvia Plath that I was highly in opposition to, well turned out quite funny.


The first stage of love is Liking someone. After talking for over 5 months I can confirm surely, I like her and she serves the ghastly potential I can share my woes and life with.

You make love sound so boring, man. Snatch the girl and don't let her go. You don't have many options.

'I hate this thing that sleeps inside me.'

Sylvia Plath, you are on a roll in my mind. I used to think your works were well, drawn by melancholy and deep dark love, and now your books have made up my small cupboard library. How life takes a turn!




The recipe for my life is simple. Spicy, cheesy, and full of potatoes that get squished, it's that simple. Looking at the cheesy little spicy nuggets from McDonald's, I sought food to make me ease this discomfort. Guess who tagged along!

"She asked me out of the blue," I said, for the 15th time.

Rajan looked and paused right there for 2.5 minutes. 

"Okay fine, not out of the blue, I am obviously likesick, but umm, I am scared!"

"Man, I tell you, you are an idiot. I would have called the girl right away and blew a kiss right on the phone along with amazing photos of my beautiful face, smiling and shimmering. And you shut off your phone?! You disappoint me to heights!"

"I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! It's not every day a girl comes up to me and says, 'Hey I am so cute, with my habit of calling you a saucy sweet potato WHICH YOU LOVE, eating up your vada pavs being our love language, and leaving little poetries on WhatsApp which brighten your day, and I like you.' "

"Like I receive death threats from girls who get enough of this!" 

"You just gestured to all of yourself."

"Exactly. This is a huge man! You could be college sweethearts, plus the girl survived the long-distance thing. I think this is my first time hearing, love over the phone, which began after you got apart. Seriously man I wanna meet this girl."

"Of course, she is amazing."

"oooooOOOooohhhHHhhhhHHHHH! She is amazing? Youu lllOOOOooovvvvE her?"

"By the way I only like her, not love. Big difference."

"Padmu in llOOoooovvvVvveeE!"

"Don't you dare, I am serious."

"Okay fine! it is as clear as night and stars, you like her."

"thank you! I do but I-"

"You want to meet her in person and get some action! OH NOW I GOT YOU!"

"WHAT?! NO! I want to meet her in person and then decide whether I want to like her or not."

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