Potato Dish#6 Samosas with the awesome Chai

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K~ The Chatterbox

Sometimes I wonder if my life is like this irregular masala chaat. Whenever I eat chat, I feel like I am spicy and tangy at times, sometimes too spicy, sometimes sweet, definitely causing problems in my stomach, and that aftertaste is amazing. 

Why is food so relatable?!

If I talk about someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, I would gladly say it would be Vadapav. Spicy, it comes with a mirchi, tangy and twisty, with a sweet tinge at the end, leaving that awfully amazing aftertaste that makes you long for more. Speaking of it, I have set really high expectations for the other half of me. Well, we already spend empty lives, what's a little 50 years more? I have set backup plans of being single all my life and believe me you, they are more enticing than the plans I made with Mr. or Ms. Significant Other.

Yes, I am a biromantic demisexual. Figured it out when I started liking a best friend a lot more than I should have. Don't worry I have moved on. It was hard tho.

Anyway, as the days approach, I am getting to know the even harsher fact, that is, college is really not the place you want to be, if you don't have the skills to talk continuously. That is, talking sensible things, not blabbering facts, and comparing life and food. Especially with potatoes.

The potatoes in my class are good enough, they mutually understand my incessant need to blabber and they listen to me, especially my besties, and the others, well we understand the silence and mutually do not utter a single word with each other. Everybody had found their fellow buds(pun intended), and I have also found mine!

Life is really good with them. Even psychology says consistency and similarity in perception are really pleasing to the eyes and the mind. Surely. The way the four of us catch each other's sentences when broken, arms wide, we take in each other's sour sides.

While we are leaving our 5th subject class, that is, English communicative skills, I have this amazing idea of the perfect date. Well, it would certainly involve potato-


I heard a boy(-ish?) voice.

"Hello, OH! Jay!"

"Yeah, hi how are yaa?"

"Umm fine! Yeah, how you been doing?"

"awesome, yeah! So how's that attendance sheet going?"

"Umm I was next in line but you came in, by the way why are you interested in that? Aren't you an English major? Their sheet is there-"

"No, I filled mine, just wanted to chat with you."

"oh! okay."

The uncomfortable silence smiled and tittered between us.

"Umm so, I'mma go- fill the attendance form."

"Yeah sure, go ahead!"

What is with this guy?

It's as if-

"Do you think he has a crush on you?" Naina asked.

"What?! NO! him and-and me! No!"

"It really seems that someone wants to board our ship, comrade!"

"More like, her ship." Kahaani snickered.

"Well for that he will need to have an anchor! Which he does not. I have no interest, like umm-"

"You like that someone notices you but you don't particularly like them, is that what it is?" Vidisha asked.

"Umm- kinda?"

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