Potato dish#4 Baked Rotten Potato puff

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K~ The Chatterbox

I will never let you go againnnn

Like I did, oh I used to say,

I would never fall in love unless it's you I fall into...

I was falling into the darkness but then I found herrr

I found youuuuuu

"Until I found youuuu!" We sang together.

"Howz that?" I asked the Crazy Ltd. about my crazy singing skills.

"Awful." "Terrific" "Please stop!"

"Hey! You are missing out on real talent here girls, I can even woo a person with this mighty skill. Keep a watch out!"

"People should keep a watch out of you!" Naina replied and they snickered. Naina's more of a spicy one, that gives the chills and that tangy flavor.

I frowned. Naina pulled my cheek and fed me chips.  Meesa happy again.

"Just kidding just kidding you sing really cute," Vidisha said and I bowed. She's the sweet potato of the group.

"So, what are we having for brekky today? I have been craving a potato puff for so many days!"

"All that roams around your head is potatoes isn't it?"

"Yes, and I love that, any objections?"

"Why would we have any objections? Your birthday gift is set! We are giving you a potato hamper, all the dishes of potatoes! Cheaper!" Kahaani said hi fied Naina. 

"Sounds swell!" I shouted.

Ah these pretty people, I could just laugh along with them all day. Well yeah, this lone samosa did manage to find some friends! Their mighty names are, Naina, Kahaani, and Vidisha.

Turns out all of us are hopeless romantics, and we share the same brain cells. I can eat out of their tiffins and plates and nobody would say anything. It was as if we had this instant connection! Our antennas stood up as we received the signals and we have now what I call, an Indestructible network. That too P2P network, Peer to Peer connection.

Just keep this going on, who needs to press 'enter' on this keyboard of life? Spacebars are fine and I am just living amidst the commas. It is the best life. We just come for classes and spend all our time together, hanging out. Contacts can go suck a lemon, I have my potatoes who are going to stick around for a long time. And I ain't gonna leave them any soon. 

But still, I feel empty. Something is missing in life, a kick or a push. I had always imagined my college life as an experience where I came out of my shell, but it seems, I have been doing anything other than that. All my efforts are in vain. I participated in 3 places but there is no place for poetry. What is happening to the world ?!
Poetry moves people, it drives some to even rebel or make peace. In a world where we are busy making fine green riches and sharpening our swords, who would pay heed to poetry?
I am seriously done with today's world.
Anywho, keeping my madness for the world aside, It has been quite a while since I saw Mr. Saucy lingering around. Where did he go?

I still had so many things to talk about with him! 

"Um Kriti, where's your phone?" Vidisha asked and I looked around. 

"it should be here somewhere, I kept it inside I think."



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