Part 2 An infamous confrontation

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A/n: this takes place after mc trolls defeated meme troll lol

*Meme troll and mc trolls go to through the portal the meme cup created*

Meme troll: this is how you found me by the way what is your name?

Mc trolls: yup! And my name is mc trollson! But just call me mc trolls for short

Meme troll: uhh ok then.

*They both reach their destination and hop out of the car and go inside mc troll's house to discuss their next mission*

Meme troll: so..what now? *Meme troll says before sitting down in the couch*

Mc trolls: I don't really know...but do you know anyone who is strong?

Meme troll: hmm yes I do but he is pretty dumb and stupid...

Mc trolls: well hey lets not be rude here we havent even met that guy your talking about yet!

Meme troll: okay okay jeez...anyways he goes by the name "Street Fighter Joe" and he's like the toughest guy I ever ever...

Mc trolls: oh really?

Meme troll: yea but just like me of course...he won't go down or be bossed around without a fight..

Mc trolls: well it is a 2v1 so I think we can handle him

Meme troll: idk man...lets just rest for now after all we just finished battling...

Mc trolls: hmm yea alright...I'll sleep in my bed room and you sleep on the couc- *a loud snore comes out of meme troll.. signaling that he has fallen asleep already*

Mc trolls: rude..he didn't even let me finish.
*he mutters to himself before going into his room and sleeping*

*The next day*

A/n: this is where we start doing the povs or else this story will be longer than my future-

Mc troll's Pov:

"I woke up and went to the living room to see meme troll on the window..leaning on it..he gives me a look and I nod.. Signalizing that we are ready..."

"He says if we should get some breakfast first but I tell him that we need to hurry...he agree's and we hop in my car...we drive to our destination as meme troll seemed to know alot about this guy..we reach our alleyway..ironic..
And then I see alot of other trolls beaten some champion boxer beat up these guys poor asses..then I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I look behind me to see meme troll pointing at a figure who was leaning against the wall before I could reply he spoke"

Meme troll's Pov:

"I woke up early and saw mc trolls asleep...great..I lean by the window and admire the sunset for a bit before he wakes up and I give him a stare...he nods and I ask for breakfast but he told us we needed to hurry...I didn't know what the rush was for but I agreed anyways...we hop in the car and I lead him to where Our next destination is..we finally arrive and I catch him seeing a glance of the poor trolls that tried to fight the figure we were looking I spot him in a corner and I tap the shoulder of mc trolls before pointing him to the figure I saw before he could speak tho the figure spoke"

???: Well...well..well let me need someone real strong?

"Me and mc trolls nodded and we didn't dare to make a sound as we knew how threatening he was now..."

???: Well alright then...prove to me..your worthy....prove to Street fighter joe..that your truly worthy of leading me...

Mc trolls pov:

"Ok now after all he just said I felt like we were about to get real bloody especially after he punched meme troll in the face after his monologue
I run over to help him as I set up my mortar machine but he seems pretty injured but he stands back up and grabs his gun and fires at the figure...the figure takes the bullet and runs towards meme troll before pulling a hook kick on them...I was watching this but then. I remembered! I needed to set up my mortar machine and after I did so I fired an explosive french fry at the figure...he took the hit and punched me in the face really hard...god that hurt like hell.."

Meme troll's Pov:

"Of course he has to be very strong anyways after I stalled him for a bit and let mc trolls set up his machine thing he hook kicked me into a wall and I saw mc trolls get punched...I go ahead and dash around this Mf and fire a bullet to his head...and it seemed to have knocked him out trolls gets up and pats me in the head for doing that as I carry the unconscious body of street fighter Joe into mc troll's car and we drive him back to his house as we bandage him up and wait for him to wake up...I lean back on the wall and drink a cup of oil that mc trolls prepared.."

Mc troll's pov:

"after we made it to my house I went ahead and prepared some oil for me and meme troll and that guy we knocked out earlier as well..I go to meme troll and hand him a oil cup as we both take a sip we see our new member wake up"

Street fighter joe: head...that hurt like hell you know?

Meme troll: maybe don't kick my head next time?

Street fighter joe: yea yea now alright what do we do now?

Mc trolls: you will see...

*To be continued*

A/n: bro my imagination is absolute garbage and I most certainly hope other people don't find this lol..

Words: a whopping 999 words lol

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