Part 3...The first fight

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*a few days mc trolls reveals his next "mission" to his group*

Mc trolls: alright we should go on a walk now!

Meme troll: uhh sure we can but how about our next mission and stuff? And besides...I don't like walkin-

Street fighter joe: bruh bet let's go on a walk

Mc trolls: So it's a yes!

*Mc trolls rushes to his room and wears the ideal clothes for this walk*

Meme troll: ugh...I hate's so boring..

Street fighter Joe: yea but it's better than getting your life endangered

*Street fighter joe says before going outside and waiting for the other two to prepare*

Meme troll: ...ugh fine..

*Meme troll says as he gets outside and waits for mc trolls to finish*

Mc trolls: ok I'm ready!

*He said very excited*

Street fighter joe: heh alright let's go

Meme troll: I'm already starting to hate this

Mc trolls: aww c'mon don't be a party pooper meme-

*Before mc trolls could finish an explosion occurs in front of the three shocking them all as they see a robotic spider like figure approaching*

Meme troll: The fuck is that thing...

*He says holding his gun out*

Mc trolls: I...don't know...

*Mc trolls says preparing his mortar machine*


*The robot figure speaks*

Venus: I am Venus...and I was created with the soul purpose of killing you
*The robot suddenly throws a boulder at mc trolls using it's 2 metallic spider legs*

Mc trolls: AHHHHHH-

*Street fighter joe blocks the boulder with his body and says*

Street fighter Joe: meh..I was expecting more to be honest..

Mc troll's pov:

"oh my goodness how did he block that boulder and uh...why did he look hot there? Wait what am I saying! Am I....Blushing?"

*He says in his mind before he See's Street fighter Joe dashing into the robot and kicking it really hard causing the robot to get damaged and confused*

Venus: system.... malfunction.....Error... System....reboot....You...almost... crashed me.....*the robot says before stomping the ground with all four of it's metallic spider legs sending joe flying*

*Mc trolls snaps out of his trance and finishes setting up his mortar machine*

Mc trolls: ok Im done I'm ready to help-

Meme troll: nah no need joe's got this

Mc trolls: are you sure?

Meme troll: yep.

Mc trolls: uhh ok

*The two clash at eachother as meme troll and mc trolls watch and finally the robot stops in it's tracks*

Venus: warning......System....Brok...Broke.....Broken....*the robot suddenly drops to the ground as joe has punched it too many times for it to handle*

Street fighter Joe: easy peazy

Mc trolls and meme troll: my goodness your strong..

Street fighter Joe: heh I let's continue with the walk shall we?

*Both of them nod*

Street fighter Joe: good!

*They walk around the city and finally arrive back at mc troll's house*

Meme troll: body is destroyed

Mc troll's: that was tiring but fun!

Street fighter Joe: heh barely broke a sweat

Mc troll's: well I'm going to make us dinner

Meme troll and street fighter joe: alright!

*Mc trolls walk's into the kitchen to cook as street fighter Joe and meme troll look at eachother with silence*

Meme troll's Pov:

What is he looking at? Ehh doesn't matter as long as I get to enjoy some peac-

*Street fighter joe broke the silence by saying*

So....what you wanna talk about?
*I respond by saying*

Ehh idk just waiting for that delicious oil to arrive

*He looked at me for a bit before looking at mc trolls...I'm pretty sure I saw him blush for a moment but ehh I couldn't care less*

Street fighter Joe's pov:

"huh why do they drink oil? Ehh doesn't matter and..what is this feeling I have...after I blocked that boulder from crushing mc trolls...I could of easily let that boulder hit him and I would be free again but I'm not..."

*he says in his mind while he blushes a bit but he hides it thinking no one saw him*

Mc troll's: alright Enjoy!
*He says before handing us a cup of oil...*

"god he looked cute there...wait what am I thinking?!?...."

Mc trolls: enjoy dinner!

To be continued

A/n: Oh my goodness my story is getting worse by the minute and I'm leaving it in a cliff hanger as of now lol

750 words lol

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