part 6 Artificial Warfere.

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*A few days mc trolls and his group relax aswell as Laginator troll and Easter troll explaining what they fought a few days ago...but then they see a new threat from the news.....invading the area....swarms of robots attack the city as mc trolls wake's up in a panic and rushes into the hall way where all of them are usually in their rooms asleep..after all Laginator troll was rich enough to buy them each separate rooms....*

Mc trolls: GUYSSSSS!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!

*All of them wake up...Easter troll and Laginator troll were very tired...and meme troll woke up feeling okay and Street fighter joe woke up feeling great*

Mc trolls: Okay maybe Easter troll and Laginator troll should rest!

Easter troll and Laginator troll: Yes please...after all we took care of that giant monster...

Meme troll: ugh fine alright you two love birds can rest..anyways let's take care of these invaders

Mc trolls: got it! First! Joe and meme troll come with me and easter troll and Laginator troll please protect this house!

All of them: Ok got it.

*Mc trolls along with joe and Laginator troll head into their car and drive towards the area the invaders were in...only took see they were robots?*

Meme troll's Pov:

"What the fuck?....well that is unexpected....anyways let's kick some ass! I yelled out with joe following behind me...and mc trolls preparing his mortar machine like usual... I then proceeded dash in with my green axe taking a few heads and shoot my gun at them taking some more as joe took them all out with a single drop kick. Wow."

Street fighter Joe's pov:

"Robots? More like bobots! These things fall easier than squid game's popularity...I say as I kick another robot's head off...and I earn a laugh from mc trolls and meme troll.. As me meme proceed to take alot of them on before my lov- I MEAN friend...yea friend..aka mc trolls shot an explosive french fry at them...before he started giggling at me as I was pretty much in awe at what I just saw"

"Me and the others then proceed to follow some robots running away as we see a blue portal? Which was pretty shocking as portals are very rare in here.. speaking of which meme troll instantly hid in a bush to avoid being spotted as mc trolls tackled me onto the ground...and I uhh kinda stared at him blushing for a bit as he was literally on top of me but that amazing moment got interrupted by the robots that were running earlier telling something to their leader it seems..."

Product 1: Sir....We have lost devastating numbers to three people...we will need your assistance...

Product 2: yes sir...

???: agh...very guys just sit here and guard and I'll take care of these bozos...

Mc trolls proceeds to whisper Hey we aren't bozos!

"Yea yea I know right we are literal beasts...well not literally but...powerfuly..if that's even a real word..I say making it very akward for us two...god I swear I felt like I died saying that out of embarrassment.
He then said"

"Haha your funny and cute!"

"God I was as red as a tomato hearing that...but then the leader robot dude started flying into our house...HOW DOES HE KNOW WHERE WE LIVE?!!?.... anyways in sheer desperation and worry me,mc trolls and meme troll rushed into mc troll's car and drove straight into our home..luckily it wasn't burnt into the ground...."

Easter troll's pov:
"h-huh?...I woke up to see the others in mc troll's car...and before I knew it a robotic looking person appeared before them..and they started fighting* ....great...anyways Laginator troll tried to tell me to help them before I shut him up by putting my finger in his lips...and I say"

"Shhh if you don't go I'll give you a treat later~"

*I said teasing him as I saw him literally more red than even a tomato would be...god he's so cute.*

*Back at the fight..*

Street fighter joe: ugh...who are you?

Mc trolls: yea who are you?

Meme troll: ye lol

???: I am Artificial divinity...and I am here to END you three..for interrupting my!

*Artificial divinity said before blasting a red energy ball at us..the trio dodged to see the ball hit their did no damage but it bounced back!*

Mc trolls: what the-

Street fighter joe: LOOK OUT!

*street fighter joe said before jumping Infront of mc trolls and blocking the blast...and then it proceeded to bounce and hit meme troll*


*Meme troll said in annoyance..Street fighter joe and mc trolls laughed at him for a moment before turning to see artificial divinity charging up another ball of energy...*

Artificial divinity: Yea keep mambling over there...while I take advantage...

Mc trolls: not on my watch!

*Mc trolls says firing a explosive french fry at the guy..*

Artificial divinity: AGH..THAT HURT...YOU.......YOU!!!....ILL MAKE YOU PAY!!! *Artificial divinity says in anger before blasting a barrage of red beans and red energy balls at the trio...*

Meme troll: Ehh I got this..*he says before dashing into the red energy balls and taking some damage but reflecting them away*

Mc trolls: wow...rude guy being actually nice for once?

Meme troll: Shut it.

Mc trolls: rude..

*Mc trolls mutters to himself*

Street fighter joe: Heh let me just...
*Street fighter joe proceeds to run straight into the red beans tanking them and doing a hook kick at Artificial divinity...doing heavy damage..*


*Artificial divinity and the trio continue fighting... with lazers... energy balls...and guns aswell....oh and explosive french fries of course....before the trio thinks of an idea*

Meme troll: y'all I got an idea to end this dude quick.

Mc trolls: you do?

Meme troll: yup.

Mc trolls: Great! What is it?

Meme troll: mc trolls...use your explosive french fry on joe..and Joe...drop kick the french fry into that not only will it do some big boom damage..but also impact damage!

Mc trolls: wow very smart of you!

Street fighter joe: yea ok nerd lol.

Meme troll: just shut up and do it already.

*They do as what meme troll said...and artificial divinity gets hit by the french fry despite him blocking it with all of his beams and balls he could muster..As he falls down to his knees*

Artificial divinity: No...impossible...Me? The great and powerful Artificial divinity...losing to three bozos....I'm sorry....Father.....please....FATHER...FORGIVE ME!!!!!!

*Artificial divinity says before exploding from his circuits being fried...*

Mc trolls: wow...I feel bad .

Meme troll: not me he deserved that 100%

Street fighter joe: yea lol... anyways..let's tell this to Easter troll and Laginator troll...and maybe we can check up on that blue portal. After.

Mc trolls and meme troll: yea alright!

*They say before walking into the house...and they knock on Easter troll and Laginator troll's room*

*To be continued*

A/n: Oh my oh my I wonder what will happen next now to this dog water hell of a story. Anyways more coming soon and I'll make sure school doesn't ruin this story even if it means suffering...why? Because somehow this story has reads ._. It seems 1 read to me is 69 hours of motivation Lol anyways Cya in the next chapter boiii*

Words: 1300 Oh My.

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