Part 7 What could be inside?

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*After knocking on Laginator troll and Easter troll's room They only heard Groaning and so they immediately left the hall way and Sit on the couch...trying to not let their Thoughts get too deep*

Meme troll: ...Did you fucking hear that?

Street fighter joe: Yea....Ain't no way they are doing "It" right now

*Mc trolls screams in a bag*

*Meanwhile with Easter troll and Laginator troll*

Laginator troll: huh?...did you hear that?

Easter troll: yea....
*Easter troll says Flapping his ears...*

Laginator troll: Ok.... please don't do that...

Easter troll: what why?....Oh....Oh I see why~

Laginator troll: NO EASTER STOP!!!!

*Laginator troll says*

Easter troll: Oh ok....

Laginator troll: Alright good....

*Laginator troll gets up and carries Easter troll Bridal style And Easter troll Groans while stretching in Laginator troll's arms..*

Laginator troll's pov:

"Ok...I'll admit...he looked real adorable doing that....I think to myself before opening the door and going downstairs still holding Easter troll in my hands to see Meme troll Looking traumatized and Street fighter joe Crying and lastly Mc trolls Throwing up in a bag....I think they got the wrong idea..."

Mc trolls: Please don't do that again....

Street fighter joe: Yea...don't do that again....*he says before Throwing up*

Meme troll: Yea bro that was disgusting!

"I sigh at them....And I tell them that they got the wrong idea and that Me and Easter troll were still not Taking It to the next level...yet.."

Street fighter joe: Oh.....Great! Anyways Mc trolls you can tell them about the plan now without throwing up!

Mc trolls: ok.... listen real closely-

"Easter troll Suddenly snores really loudly....How cute....anyways I wake him up and tell him to sit down on my lap while we listen to mc trolls...and honestly I was more focused on Easter troll sitting on my lap rather than what Mc trolls was saying.....But from what I heard they wanted me and Easter troll to apperantly travel to this blue portal thing near The shop and record what is inside me being an absolute Gentleman I carry Easter troll into our destination instead of riding mc troll's car...and we make it into the blue we stand behind a bunch of bushes in a cliff."

Easter troll: Laginator....Those Robots...look werid...

"Yea I know..but we gotta deal with them."

Easter troll: Ok....

"Anyways I put Easter troll down and I grab my rifle before sliding down the hill and being stealthy enough to take one of the robots by surprise and I take one of them out....all while Easter troll is still above the hill hiding in a bush like a bunny...How adorable of him...Anyways I go on a full rampage using the Robot I took out earlier as a shield from their energy balls and lazers as I blast them down with my rifle..earning a wow from my dear Easter troll..."

Easter troll's pov:

"After I saw Laginator take all of them out I stare on in awe...and I could only say wow to him...anyways..I slide down the hill and I walk right next to my dear Laginator troll...and I hold his hand tightly as I look up to him..and say"

"Sooo what now?"

Laginator troll: Simple...we record what is coming through the
Other side....I payed a bit of attention to mc trolls...not alot tho..

"And that is why I love you <3"

Laginator troll: hahaha!......

"Don't worry I'll treat you well once we are done.."

Laginator troll: .... alright then...

"I look up to him as I see him pull out a radio looking thing from his bag and he passes it through the portal as we hear"

*Tech Overlord....I'm afraid your son Couldn't make it....*




*U-u-umm Right away b...boss!!.....*

"Laginator troll then proceeds to take radio looking thing off the portal... before immediately picking me up and running back to mc troll's house..."

*Laginator troll's pov:*

"This...was not good...they were planning something....I say as I run towards mc troll's house while Carrying my Easter troll and we finally make it....I immediately knock on the door and mc trolls answers....he then says"

Mc trolls: so? What did you record?

"Alot...of stuff...."

Mc trolls: Alright...

"I go in and sit at the couch...and I start showing to everyone what I recorded..."

Street fighter joe: well... someone was pissed off his garbage ass son died...

Meme troll: Tbh Idc he prob is just as weak as his son lol!

Mc trolls: guys...we need to take this seriously....

Street fighter joe: ....Yea...right...

Meme troll: ...Fine...

"Dayum your boyfriend is quite a hot head you know street fighter joe?"

Street fighter joe: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!! TAKE THAT BACK NOW!!!

"ok ok jeez!"

Mc trolls: well.....We will ambush them tonight rather than letting them ambush us first....

Meme troll: Ok.


Street fighter joe: Sounds like a plan. Btw Laginator troll how is Easter troll still asleep?!!

"Ehh he woke up very tired....I'll take him to our room until we need to ambush.."

Mc trolls: Alright then!

*Mc trolls says before going to the garage to work on some items...*

Meme troll: Meh ok Lol.

*Meme troll dashes to his room using his green axe before training his aim..*

Street fighter joe: k I'll be ready.

*Street fighter joe says before running to his room and punching the punching bag alot of times*

"Well....I guess I'll just rest with my dear Easter troll...I say before walking into our room and I put Easter troll on the I lie next to him...and I fall asleep...hugging his waist while doing so..."

*To be continued*

A/n: Hmm I wonder who they could be fighting now.....(lol) anyways school tried to take me to an important test but I said Fuck you! And did this instead anyways enjoy my endless motivation it seems >:)

Words: 1045 :p

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