part 4..Bunny Lagger

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*After they all finish dinner*

Mc trolls: Well I'm going to bed now Goodnight guys!

Street fighter joe: WAITTT!!!!

Meme troll: huh?

Mc trolls: umm sure what is it joe?

Street fighter joe: Uhh do you mind if we talk tomorrow tonight in private?

Mc trolls: umm sure!

*Both of them said blushing a bit*

Meme troll's pov:

"God I swear to lord these two are becoming love birds...."
*Meme troll thinks to him self before saying*

"Hey guys!"

Mc trolls and street fighter joe: yea?

"I know a guy who could be a part of our team"

Mc trolls: Oh! That would be great!

Street fighter joe: yea....

"I'm pretty sure Street fighter joe wasn't happy about this news which just confirmed my suspicions even more"

"Well let's go ahead and find him tomorrow!"

Mc trolls: Yea ok!

Street fighter joe: yea yea...

*Time skip*

Street fighter Joe's pov:

"I woke up feeling pretty good...
I check up on meme troll and he's not in his room..dam that bastard already woke up?....I think to myself...well time to check on....I  walk to mc troll's room and I see him asleep....Why does he look....C....Cute...I think to myself but..Before I knew it... meme troll's was standing there and looking at me with a grin he was about to say something but I say"

"Shut it..."

"But then mc trolls woke up and got pretty akward.."

Mc trolls: umm what are you two doing?

Meme troll: oh nothi-

"I panic before I quickly interrupt and say"


Mc trolls: uhh ok! So let's go ahead and look for this next member!

Meme troll: yea no worries I know where he is let's go to your car

Street fighter joe: yea let's go....

*They all hop into mc troll's car after eating break fast which was eggs and bacons...yum...and meme troll guides mc trolls to their next destination as street fighter joe just kinda sleeps in the back*.

Meme troll: annnddd we are here!

Mc trolls: Nice!

Street fighter joe: huh this place looks peaceful

*Suddenly a bush starts moving as if something is inside it*

Mc trolls: hm?

Meme troll: what the fu-

Street fighter joe: STAY BACK!

*And out comes...a bunny...wearing something an artist would wear?*

All of them: What the hell is that...

Easter troll: Hello! I'm Easter troll...can you help me?

Mc trolls: yea sure!

Meme troll: ugh ok

Street fighter joe: Yea I guess so

Easter troll: Good! Can you help me find my dear Laginator troll?

Meme troll: you mean the guy we are also looking for?

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