part 5 A nighty night

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*mc trolls and street fighter joe fall asleep still cuddled as meme troll is snoring really much so that Laginator troll and Easter troll can't go to bed*

Laginator troll: Dammit...why is he so loud?

Easter troll: Oh don't worry my dear lag...I'll make sure he never wakes up if he does this again~

Laginator troll: Easter troll...No...

Easter troll: Aww c'mon!

Laginator troll: we need to be responsible and if you behave...

Easter troll: if I behave?

Laginator troll: I might just take a step to the next level...if you know what I mean...

*Easter troll and Laginator troll fall silent the peaceful silence gets interrupted by a loud scream.... Laginator and Easter troll immediately notice*

Easter troll: Ummm you heard that?

Laginator troll: mhm....Wanna check it out?

Easter troll: Yea but I'm too lazy :p

Laginator troll: Oh you! always find a way to get me to carry you...

Easter troll: hehe I know :3

*Laginator troll picks up Easter troll...they walk down stairs.. completely ignoring meme troll and the others as they open the door and go outside..only to be greeted with a giant dark blue seems to be missing it's legs...and it immediately screamed at them both signaling a fight*

Laginator troll: What the...

Easter troll: I'm scared!! *He says holding onto Laginator troll for dear life....*

Laginator troll: Shh it's alright..I'll deal with this..

Laginator troll's pov:

"I I knew what to do...I wouldn't let that thing hurt the others...but more importantly...I won't let that thing hurt my Easter troll..even if it's just by scaring...I thought to myself before settling Easter troll on the ground and giving him a look of I approach the beast and battle with it"

Easter troll's pov:
"Oh my goodness! Is...He...he...he going to kill that thing all by himself?!! But... why?...does...he wants to protect me....OMG!!!!!..I think to myself blushing like crazy and watching Laginator troll fight the beast head on by himself"

Laginator troll's pov:

"I use my rifle to fire lots of oil cups at that dark blue bitch...Then it hit me back....It hurt like hell but..I couldn't let Easter troll and the others down...I continue to dodge it's attacks which were blue spikes...abd blue I trade blow after blow at it...but then it screamed and knocked me into a wall...I felt like I couldn't move at all..."

Easter troll's pov:

"I watch in awe until my...dear Laginator troll gets hit into a wall.....Did That dark blue bitch hurt my dear Laginator troll?.....I WONT LET THAT SLIDE...I say with rage as I ran towards the thing and stabbed it with my knife I laugh... before saying"


"I laugh maniacly as I kill the beast by stabbing it hundreds of times in the head...and jabbing my paintbrush to where it's spine would be....oh and the cherry on top! Adding Egg bombs to explode it's organs from the inside out!"

"I realized what I have done...and I look at Laginator troll...who was both in horror and in awe....I run up to him hugging him...just happy....that it's Only me and him..."

Laginator troll's pov:

"Just when I thought I would most likely die...I saw Easter troll In their yandere side...I could tell because he was holding a knife...not to mention he murdered that thing without mercy....I stare at him in awe...but also I'm horror...moments later...he hugs me...and I hug him back...I proceed to carry him bridal style into mc troll's house and we walk back into our room to hear that meme troll isn't snoring louder than a car wash machine now...that is great news!..I thought to myself before I set Easter troll down on the I lie next to them...just happy...I get to cuddle with them...and then we drift off into sleep"

"It hits morning and I could feel a soft...fluffy...oh wait... that's Easter troll...I get up and look over them...and I just look at them blushing...he also wakes up and we kind of just stare at eachother for a moment before I cut the silence by saying"

"So....wanna cud-"

*He puts a finger on my lips..and he pushes me back down into the bed...and he gets on top of me ... we proceed to cuddle for a bit before we both get up to check on the others...*

Mc trolls: was your guy's sleep?

"Me and Easter troll replied with: Horrible because of meme troll sounding louder than a toilet and a car washing machine but other than was fantastic."

*Meme troll looks at us with an annoyed look and says*

Meme troll: hey listen buddy it ain't my fault I was so damm tired!

"Yea yea quit your quitter talk...I say as I see Easter troll giggle at what I just said and also...your not going to believe what happened...last night."

Meme troll: ahh yes let me guess Mc trolls and street fighter joe were making out?

"me and easter troll saw Mc trolls and street fighter joe look at meme troll with anger"


Street fighter joe: YEA WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!

"They proceed to beat up meme troll as Me and Easter troll only laugh....and we look at eachother blushing once again as we continue to relax...but then I stop them from arguing by saying"

"Hey umm how much does it cost to add 3 more rooms?"

Mc trolls: umm it will cost around like.... 999 oil cups! I know it's alot.

Meme troll: can you give me my own room so I don't need to sleep with two idiots?

Mc trolls: Hey stop being rude!

Meme troll: yea yea.

"I reply with a yes before calling a constructer troll to expand mc troll's house"

Alright there! I payed them 1200 oil cups.

Meme troll: WHAT?!! YOUR RICH AS FUCK!!

Mc trolls: Oh my...

Street fighter joe: Dam and I thought I was rich with 300 oil cups...

"Ehh still not as expensive as my Easter troll tho I say as I smile and look at Easter troll. And I carry him again. As I say"

"So can we relax for a bit?"

Mc trolls meme troll and Street fighter joe: Yea sure.

"Good!...I reply before carrying my dear Easter troll back into the guest room and we cuddle in there for one last time...after all we were going to get new rooms..."

*To be continued*

A/n: Lord Heavens above...I'm only human after all....I'm only human after all don't put the blame on me....jokes aside my down bad friends found this story...great...anyways I'll see you guys soon In the next chapter lol...and I'll give a warning on when maybe "that" happens also idk how my motivation still hasn't died lol

Words: 1214

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