Chapter 6: The Rookie Part 2

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Since a week ago Jaune spent most of his time with his new friends, Team CDRL, mainly Cardin. All Jaune's real friends noticed that day one, But Jaune's Team was the most worried.

Right now Team NRP, were talking about theirs Leader, as they were still worried about him and that he still outside, despite having a field trip for the next day. However Pyrrha tell Nora and Ren that Jaune know what's he's doing. Nora and Ren could sense Pyrrha's anger in that sentence. Unknown to them Jaune was actually listening at the door. He close the slightly open door. He sigh but got surprised by Ruby who was behind him.

Ruby: Jaune ! long time no see.

Jaune: Guh !

Ruby: Did you lock yourself out again ?

Jaune: No. I got it.

Ruby: So, where have you been lately ?

Jaune: I eeh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin got me on a leash, Pyrrha won't even talk to me. *sigh* I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea.

Jaune let himself slide against the door and fall on his butt.

Jaune: I'm a failure.

Ruby: Nope !

Jaune: Nope ?

Ruby: Nope ! You a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: But, What If I'm a failure at being a leade ?

Ruby: Mmm... Nope.

Jaune: You know, you're not the easiest person to talk about this kind of stuff.

Ruby seat next to Jaune.

Ruby: Nope!

Ruby: Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid.

This make jaune slump even more toward the ground.

Ruby: And you might've even been a failure the first day we met.

He slump even more.

Ruby: But you can't be one now. you know why ?

Jaune: Uhh- Because-

A door open revealing Y/N who had heard enough. He wear a grey T-shirt with grey sweatpant, his hair were still wet, from his shower a few minutes before.

Y/N: It's not about you anymore. You've got a team now. Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: If you fail, then you'll just be bringing them down with you. It's also the case for Ruby, or me.

Ruby/jaune: You're a team leader ?

Y/N: Yeah, anyways, I'll be honest with you Jaune. I'm also scared of failing, unlike you or Ruby, I am not a team player, I'm a solo and front runner in general, Chad is the same. We know when to work together, but when It's not needed we deal the danger alone on our sides.

Ruby: Your team deserve a great leader Jaune. And that can be you.

With that Ruby get up and return to her dorm, leaving Jaune and Y/N. 

Ruby: Have a good night you two.

Y/N: 'night.

Jaune: ......

Y/N crouch in front of Jaune and look at him in the eyes, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: Listen, You are the opposite of me. You are a team player Jaune, you lead your team correctly and can come up with good strategy, however you really suck in solo. However that can be improved, but first you need to get help. I can help you getting stronger, your team can help you getting stronger. Don't push them away.

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