New Home

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The man in the black suit was the first to wake up, slowly sitting up and gently holding his head, as if recovering from a severe headache; however, he appeared to be holding on well and not letting himself be overwhelmed by the painful pounding in his skull.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, my head freaking hurts so much!..."

The same could not be said for the man in the white shirt, who immediately whined as soon as he woke up; unlike the man in black, who took his hangover like a headache sitting down.

"S-Silence your w-whining! Y-You make my mighty head hurt worse!"

Likewise for the girl with red horns, who just suddenly kicked the white shirt man in the face, causing him pain and angering him; he didn't hesitate to kick back, resulting in the same feelings being reciprocated between them. It didn't take long for the two to start giving each other even worse headaches by violently hitting each other with rageful intent. However, the one who was truly suffering was the man in black, even though he wasn't even getting hit by them.

'Why can't they continue to be unconscious? Actually, I wish I was the one still unconscious, at least then I wouldn't have to be awake to deal with them while suffering from this massive pain in my brain...'

"Oh? You three are finally awake?"

Before anyone could either make each other suffer even more, a familiar voice suddenly interrupted what they were doing, and once they stopped, they instantly realized the situation they were in, including being in a place they were completely unfamiliar with. With this in mind, they immediately got on guard and ready to defend themselves; the horn girl cut herself to make weapons out of her blood, giving them to the two men and herself, all now ready to fight and possibly kill whoever was responsible for their predicament.

"Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!"

"I Shall Kill Thy Person Who Kidnapped The Amazing And All Powerful Me!"

The woman wearing the white shirt and horn spoke with very hostile intentions, while the man in black just simply narrowed his eyes and tried to analyze the situation he found himself in, wondering what they should do next or if they were in any danger at all.

"... I brought pizza?..."

However, instead of encountering someone dangerous, or at least having less than pure intentions towards them, all they encountered was none other than a red-coated man named Dante, who just stood there in front of them while holding a few boxes of pizza in each hand, which quickly caught the attention of the horned girl and the white-shirted man.

"Well, even if you're a Stranger, it would be rude of me to say you're a dangerous man."

"Agreed, mysterious mortals are just hidden friends that have yet to be found."

Although they were initially very violent and threatening, they quickly calmed down and saw him as a friend, much to the annoyance of the man in black and the amusement of the red-coat man, who simply handed each of them their own pizza box, which they took without hesitation and devoured its contents without mercy.

"So, I'm assuming you're not here with malice towards us?"

The man in black just sat back down and lowered his weapons, even though he was the only one who hadn't let his guard down and accepted the red-coated man; he knew that he wasn't an enemy or a threat, but seeing his two partners eating the pizza and not being harmed by it did make him feel calmer and more willing to be reasoned with.

"I mean, I will admit that all three of you do make my demon sense tingle, but it wouldn't feel right to just suddenly kill you since none of you have done anything yet."

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