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"I, the Greatest Power! Have Decided To Grant You The Honor Of Accompany Me In A Journey Of Great Importance!"

Power slammed her hands down on the desk and glared at Dante, who lazily sat behind it with a look of extreme indifference and boredom.

"Is it a demon killing job? Are we getting paid for this?"

Dante raised an eyebrow at the blood-fiend, all the while picking up another pizza slice and taking a bite of it.

"Nay, this mission we are to embark involves finding my Meowy."

Power stood up and crossed her arms, as if what she had just said explained everything without any need for additional context.


Dante couldn't help but feel confused and somewhat curious as to what she was referring to.

"I have spoken with the almighty tree of fortune telling-"

"I Am Not A Fucking Tree!"

"-And he has predicted that my beloved pet has ended up in this realm with me."

Power quickly gave context to what she was talking about, which immediately helped the Devil Hunter understand what she was saying.

"So you're asking me to help you get your cat?"

Once Dante knew what he was being asked, he decided to question her on why she wanted his help specifically.

"Tis correct, you should be honored that I have chosen for this task."

Power continued to act smug and think highly of herself, although the person she was trying to convince remained unfazed.

"... I'm guessing Aki and Denji said no to you?"

"Aki said he was busy training his filthy mutts, while Denji is out looking for some comics to read."

Dante nodded after Power actually told him the real reason for asking for his assistance, which he decided to shrug off and just stood up from his seat.

"I'm not one for pets, but I don't wanna look like the bad guy if I said no to you too."

The horned girl looked happy and excited to see Dante, who was currently putting on his coat and placing his large sword on his back; he had accepted her request for help.

"So, where's your kitty cat at?"

Meanwhile, at some sort of dock near the ocean, with many large metal shipping crates and cargo, there seems to be a lot of "paranormal activities" happening at this location. The place is completely filled with demonic enemies, though they seem to be hidden and just seem to be focusing on survival. Evidence by the many captured dogs and cats that are being gathered and being prepared to be made into a feast, judging by the large fire and the big iron cauldron. The many devils watch with hunger expressions and drooling lips, no doubt already eager to eat. However, before one of the many unfortunate kittens or puppies were dropped into the boiling water, a large spear made of pure blood could be seen flying down from above and instantly impaled the demonic creature that held the animal, which they dropped and let it go anyway. Though, none of the other hellish monsters chased after it, as they were now too focused on the one who had interrupted their cooking.


Standing above one of the many crates and looking down at the large horde of demons, were none other than Power and Dante; one of whom didn't seem happy with what they were looking at.

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