Part ?? - Now Returned?

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Y/n goes on a trip with a few of their friends. It's near the town of Yorknew. As they continue on, they begin feeling sick, so they take a few breaks, letting the group go without them. When it has been long enough, they find a split path. They turn left, since the hunter exam clearly taught them nothing.

They realize that they are lost after the trail ends. It's been a few hours, it's beginning to get dark. They are starting to get thirsty.

Y/n notices a small building. They proceed to enter, hoping it has supplies. From the outside, it looks somewhat abandoned, but it could still be inhabited, just not well taken care of. There's moss on the side, there's a broken water chute. They're quiet while entering, attempting to be sneaky, and see the back of someone's head.

Someone familiar. It's... Kurapika. Y/n had thought they'd never see him again. He is holding a pair of those ever-glowing scarlet eyes, the ones they've only actually ever seen on him. He hasn't noticed Y/n yet. There's an awkward silence for a moment, yet it somehow feels remorseful.

When he finally senses them, he gets ready to attack, until he pauses and realizes who it is.


"Yeah, it's me. Did you miss me?"

"What are you doing here?! Don't you know it's dangerous to go into places like this?!" Kurapika's eyes begin glowing just like the ones that are in his hands, he's clearly worried about your safety.

"I thought a welcome would have been nice," Y/n shrugs.

"Answer my question. Don't you know where I'm the world you are?"

"I don't, actually. I got lost."

"Well, this is my temporary living place at the moment. But you should've known better than to just walk in."

"Oh, really?" Y/n looks around, seeing all the renovations that need to be done.

"I see that look on your face," Kurapika mutters, "I don't have much time to work on the house, because I need to focus on my job, which actually, I should get back to." He turns his back to Y/n to continue working.

"No wait, Kurapika, I sort of wanted to catch up."

"Not now. Y/n, you can go into the other room.

A/n: I wanted to write it in order but I started writing this because it seemed more interesting and I already had a few paragraphs in my notes so here you go, I'll add backstory and stuff later :)

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