Part 2 - A Minor Inconvenience

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They inevitably bump into one of the three by accident, of course. And, of course, it happens to be the blonde one. The one Y/n is most curious about.

"Hey, you should really watch where you're going," the blonde says, with a straight face. They don't even bother to look at Y/n.

"Oh, I'm sorry, uh..." Y/n doesn't know whether to say ma'am or sir.

"It's alright. Just, be more careful," the person responds. They're still not making eye contact, despite Y/n's attempts...

"Yeah! Say, what's your name? I'm Y/n, you look quite interesting, I like that," Y/n breathing quite heavy in between their words, but the blonde doesn't seem to care. Not about them, not about the words being spoken. The blonde is completely determined.

There's a moment of silence.

"Kurapika! How come you left the group?" The green boy asks, now accompanied by a similarly-sized silver-haired boy. Probably one inch taller. Number 99, that's a good number he's got. Better than 374.

"He's got himself a friend, it looks like! Maybe even a romantic partner?" the lanky man comments.

So this 'Kurapika' is a guy. That's good to know.

"I certainly wouldn't go that far, Leorio. They just bumped into me. That's all." Kurapika responds with a flat expression.

Kurapika joins the group of three, and looks back at Y/n, finally.

"Why are you following me?" he questions.

"I already told you, I find you interesting. You should tell me about yourself," Y/n replies.

Kurapika sighs, clearly not trusting this strange new person he's being followed by, and continues running.

Y/n manages to keep up with them. Their exhaustion takes over, and they stop being able to think properly. Of course, nobody notices, since they're paying attention to themselves.

They get to the stairs section. Y/n trips on the first step, their ability to see being severely impacted from how tired they were feeling. They faint on impact.

As they wake up, they realize they're still moving somehow. They're on the back of... Kurapika. Strange. They thought he surely didn't care about them.

Y/n looks around, and see that they're in a swamp of some sort. The fog makes it difficult to see, they start to wonder if maybe when they passed out they were being taken out of the exam or something.

But that didn't make any sense. Why would Kurapika be taking them?

"Oh, hi," Y/n mumbles, still disoriented.

"Hey," Kurapika responds, "you hit your head pretty hard back there. Killua offered to carry you, but I decided it would be best if I did instead, since you've taken such an interest in me, you probably trust me the most, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks. Who's Killua? And... where are we going?"

"We're going to the next exam site. Don't worry, I made sure you didn't fail. Killua is that white haired boy with Gon. Can you walk?"

"I don't think so."

So, Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, Killua. That's all of their names. Why did he tell Y/n this? They thought he didn't trust them..

Kurapika interrupts their thoughts, "I see. I don't mind carrying you for a bit longer. Just don't get used to it. I don't really like physical contact unless it's necessary."

"I understand that. But don't expect me to use the time I get on your back to my advantage..."

They lay their head on the back of Kurapika's head, giggling. Y/n can't see, but his face is completely red. Kurapika assumes they're disoriented, so he doesn't say anything.

Y/n starts to think about their future. What to do when they're finally...

"Hey, I wanted to ask. Why did you decide to become a hunter? You don't exactly seem like the type of person to become one." Kurapika asks, interrupting their thoughts once again. Y/n stays quiet for a moment, they weren't sure if they were ready to tell this person they barely knew.

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