Part ? - Distant, Yet Close

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A/n: I apologize for this story being so inconsistent lmao I can't write a consecutive story but I want to, just pretend it's a collection of oneshots I guess lol

"If only Leorio were better at gambling, we would be here for 50 hours..." Killua complains.

There's a lot of tension in the air. Leorio and Tonpa are at each other's throats. Kurapika and Y/n are awkward. Killua just killed someone.

But they need to get comfortable, they're going to be together in this environment for over two days. It's a comfortable environment at least.

"Hey Kurapika, after we spend 50 hours, we'll have under 10, right?" Leorio questions.

"Yes, that's correct," Kurapika responds.

"That's more than enough time!"

"What?" Y/n retorts.

"You're a fool," Tonpa comments, "The entire phase is meant to be 72 hours. The fact you didn't think of that proves how stupid you are."

"Well, it really depends on the remaining trials," Kurapika replies.

"Well, when we have a teammate that can't even win rock-paper-scissors," Tonpa says.

"I'm sort of just mad he used a good chance to win some hours for his own selfish desires," Y/n adds.

"Shut up you two! You guys wouldn't have stood a chance either!" Leorio says, offended.

"Take some responsibility," Tonpa remarks before walking to the other side of the room.

Y/n argues, "at least we didn't waste-"

They're interrupted by a hand on their shoulder, "Y/n. Give it a rest already." Kurapika is ending this argument.


Why are they running? They're back in the alley... The sharp concrete scrapes their knees through their clothes. They're alone. No.. There's someone else...

Who's there...

40 hours left.

Everyone is sleeping. Well, except Killua, and now Y/n. They just woke up sweaty.

"Can't sleep?" Kurapika mumbles.

Killua responds, "I'm trained to..."

Y/n zones out. It doesn't matter what's being said. But.. Kurapika. They feel the need to get closer to someone. He's their closest bet.

They scoot over to him.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"Yes. I had a nightmare. I don't want to be too far away from anyone right now," Y/n replies.

"That's alright. Come, lay down on the floor next to me."

"Really? Alright." Y/n grabs a blanket and scoots over. Kurapika is obviously not going to make any further advances... He's not quite sure about this whole thing yet.

Y/n moves Kurapika's books blocking their sight of him. They smile, which he reciprocates. The silence is so loud.



"Is it alright if I hold your hand? I'm sorry, I'm really anxious right now."

"No need to apologize," he reaches out his hand to hold theirs, "just don't get used to it, I don't like touching people."

Y/n smiles, "okay, I'll try to sleep again. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

30 hours left.

Y/n wakes up.

They realize that in the night they rolled over, and now their arm is outstretched.. They're holding Kurapika. Who seems to have not woken up yet.

They become very embarrassed, slowly moving their arm away as to not wake the blond.

But to no avail. To the movement, Kurapika grabs Y/n, thinking they're a pillow, pulling them to his chest.

Oh jeez.. Y/n's thoughts are racing in their mind... Kurapika won't like this...

"Why is your face red? Are you embarrassed?" Kurapika was awake. He knew.

Y/n looked up, unable to get anything out.

"Awww, look at them. They're totally dating," Killua giggles to himself.

Kurapika ignores his comment. "Well, we still have a day and a half in here. So we might as well get comfortable with each other, yeah?"


"Come on. It's okay. I'm fine with it."

Y/n slowly and hesitantly hugs Kurapika back. His body is warm, surprisingly cuddly for someone who dislikes touch.


"I'm going to read a book, alright? You were a bit restless last night, so you should get some sleep."

Y/n gives a nod in response and shuts their eyes, drifting off to a peaceful slumber for the first time in a while.

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