Everyone knows...

271 13 134

Shadow's P.O.V

Oh, chaos no...

Sonic's P.O.V

Oh, chaos YES!

Rouge's P.O.V

I think Shadow's being dramatic. He'll probably be embarrassed, sure, but we only want to help him. 

30 Minutes Later

Shadow was waiting in his room, which I figured out was the guest room, for everyone to get here. And everyone arrived after half an hour. We have Tails, Amy, Knucky~, Silver, since he's visiting from the future, Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla. We OBVIOUSLY didn't tell Shadow who'd be here so he could be surprised when he comes out.

Amy crossed her arms out. "So what'd you bring us here for? I was KINDA busy?" She asks, slightly annoyed. "Yeah, and since Shadow's disappeared AGAIN, I have no one watching the Master Emerald right now, so this BETTER be important." Knuckles added. "Ok, so, we have to show you something. It's pretty much self-explanatory, but it's REALLY important!" Sonic says to them.

I clear my throat. "Oh, Shadow!~" I call for him, wanting him to show himself. Everyone but us was confused. "Wait- Shadow's HERE? In Sonic's house??" Tails asked, confused. "He's been here for the past two days." Blue explains. I sigh. "Blue, can you go get him?" I ask and he nods.

5 Minutes Later

Blue comes back holding a squirming Shadow with two hands outwards. "Hey! What ever happened to consent?! Let me g-!" Shadow stopped when he saw everyone staring at him. His ears lowered and he gulped as a faint pink blush crossed his muzzle. Oh, he was so cute... But unfortunately, Knucky ruined the moment by bursting out laughing at the toddler, who probably felt more insecure than ever.

Blue placed Shadow down behind him and shot Knuckles a death glare. Knuckles stopped laughing. No one's seen Sonic this angry... ever. "Don't laugh, Knux. I bet you wouldn't like it." Sonic says, crossing his arms. "So... Mr. Shadow is little now?" Cream asks. Sonic sighs, calming down. "Yes, Cream..." He responds.

Tails blinks in surprise. "Remarkable! I've never seen anything like this!" He exclaims. Shadow keeps his head down. Poor guy... I go over to him and crouch down next to him. "Hey, Handsome. Is all the staring making you uncomfortable?" I ask him, he slightly nods. "Ok, hun..." I pat him on the head.

Sonic must've heard what Shadow said and crouched down, patting the tot behind him before standing up again. "Y'see? It's still Shadow, he's just- tinier." He says, not wanting anyone to tease Shadow, which I found adorable. Yes, you heard me, it was cute how Sonic would be overprotective of him... absolutely adorable.

Sonic sighs. "Maybe it WAS a bad idea to tell everyone..." He mumbles to himself, rubbing the back of his head. Just then, Cream went up to Shadow and I stood, backing up a little. "Mr. Shadow... will you play with me? It's easier now, since you're not so big! In fact, you're small!" I had only now realized that Shadow was smaller than Cream!

I think Shadow realized too, since he started blushing a little when he saw Cream being at least 4 inches taller than him. He only slowly nodded at the question, not being able to resist Cream's adorable face, which no one really could. "Great! C'mon!" Cream says, grabbing Shadow's hand and dragging him out of the room.

Oh, Shadow...

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