Lil' Shadz

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The Next Day

Sonic's P.O.V

I wanna tell people about Shadow's situation. Not everyone, but at least someone deserves to know. One person. A trusted person. Of course I have to ask Shadz first before doing so, and he'll get to pick the person, but I'm not asking for his permission because we all know he'll just say- "No." Shadow answers blankly. "C'mon, Shadow!" 

Ok, I know I said I wasn't gonna ask him, but he's probably embarrassed enough, I don't wanna pour salt in the wound. But... I'll still try to convince him! "No, Son-" What did he say? Shadow sighs. "No, Faker.

I groan. "Please, Shadow! Come on!" "No, Sonic! I don't wanna-" He cuts himself off after saying my name. "Dude, since when do you call me by my name? You seem to be having trouble NOT calling me Sonic." Shadow looks down, embarrassed. 

He seems on the verge of tears, so I quickly give him a hug. I pick him up and hug him tightly. I stroke his quills while he tries to hold back whimpers. "I'm sorry, Shadow... did I say something wrong?" "...I-I couldn't control it. I'm s-sorry." 

I was shocked for a few moments before giving him a soft smile. "Hey, hey, it's ok, buddy... I gotcha... I gotcha..." Should I tell him he's acting like a toddler? Shadow coos and hugs me back, nuzzling into my neck. Nah, it'll be fine. He won't be mad at me for it.

Shadow's P.O.V

Oh, I'm fully aware of how I'm acting. The thing is, my body makes me do kid things sometimes, and it hurts me when I try to fight back, so I told Sonic to help me with that. Of course, I didn't tell him it hurt when I try to fight back because I don't want him to worry about me. 

He's already gotta worry about what I might do at his house, in a kid mind, when he's not there, he also has to make sure I don't hurt myself or get kidnapped on top of saving the world from danger. The fact HE of all people is doing this for me, I can't help but appreciate him.

I hug him nice and tight, not just because I can't control my actions, but because I WANT to. He's doing a lot for me, and I need to show my appreciation in some way, even if he doesn't know I'm doing it.

I even snuggled into his body a little bit. Hey, since when is Sonic so soft..? And warm?~ I start to purr softly before forcefully stopping myself. He smiles down at me and strokes my quills. I can feel my face heat up as I start purring once more. My ruby pools staring up at his giant emerald ones. I feel... weird.

Sonic suddenly puts me down on the couch and starts to walk away. I could feel tears fill my eyes. No! No way! I'm not crying over my rival right now! C'mon body! If you can't do anything else, just do this! I start to whimper. Sonic comes back with a fluffy blanket. It feels like the softest thing ever.

I wrap myself in the blanket. The tears in my eyes disappear. Aww, I look like a little burrito! I giggle. Damn it! C'mon! Can't my brain think normally at least?! Sonic picks me back up into his arms and holds me close while I nuzzle his body.

Sonic looks down at me and sighs, his ears drooping. Did I do something wrong? He strokes his quills while looking down at me with a sorrowful expression. Huh? Why's he sad? What'd I do? "Sonic..? What's wrong..? Are you ok..?" I ask with a worried expression. Sonic sighs again. "Y-You're calling me by my name, snuggling into me, and-!" He pauses for a moment before continuing. "...and acting like a damn toddler!" My ears lower. He's right...

Sonic looks down at me. He looks worried, but he seems... angry. "Shadow, can you at least try to act your age?" Before I could make a smart-mouthed comment, he cut me off. "Your REAL age?" I whimper a little. C'mon body, please let me do something to tell Sonic that I have no idea what I'm doing!

Sonic's P.O.V

Is he seriously whimpering right now? "Shadow, tough up. You may look like a kid, but we both know you're not. So, drop the whole 'I'm a little baby' act, and just- be normal!" Shadow bites his lower lip really hard. He doesn't have very sharp teeth, and they may be small, but he somehow managed to bite so hard his lip started bleeding.

My eyes widened in shock. What the-?! "Sh-Shadow! Stop!" I carefully pull his jaw downwards and look at his teeth. They're so small... "Shadow, don't do that!" I hold him closer to me and he snuggles into my body once more. I know I have to get up to grab a tissue for him, but if I do, then he'll whine. Oh, well...

I get up and place him on the couch. He immediately starts to whimper and whine. "What did I dooo? I sorry!" He whimpers a little more. How can someone so mean be so innocent? I sigh. "Shadow, you didn't do anything. I'm gonna get a napkin to clean your lip. Stay put." He whimpers, but nods.

I return with the napkin and carefully start to clean the blood off of his lower lip. While I'm doing it, he suddenly sneezes. His germs get all over my chest and some on my arm. He looks up at me fearfully and covers his face. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I look at him with a soft expression. "Hey, hey, it's ok.... it's ok." I finish cleaning the blood since there wasn't a lot and throw out the napkin. I go over to the couch and sit down next to Shadow who seems to be- hitting himself??

Shadow's P.O.V (What?! I like to swap perspectives a lot!)

I hit myself in the head with my fist repeatedly. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why can't you be normal?! Just PLEASE, try to get back in control! I know it hurts, but the pain is worth it! I strain myself and finally regain control of my body.

When I do, my body aches, but I still continue to hit myself, so the voices can leave my head. I'll be back, Shadow... and I'll have your body all for myself. Jeez, it's a constant fight with this guy! I'm in control, they're in control, and they are pretty strong, too!

I see Sonic and he grabs my hand, preventing me from hitting my head. I'm dizzy from it, so I fall back onto the couch. He's still holding my hand, which is keeping me hovering in the air. "Shadow, we need to talk." I gulp.

Damn it... what'd I do?

(Me: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Motivation's been a pain in the ass recently, but I'll try to update all my books! As always said, if you have any ideas for any of my books, just tell me! And if you wanna draw my OC's, then go ahead! You don't need permission for it! That being said, we got two new characters in the next chapter! Hope you're excited!
Lil' Shadz: FINALLY! I'm getting SICK of this guy!
Sonic: Oh really? Says the person who almost cried because I left the room-
Lil' Shadz: Shut up!
Me: Bye!)

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