Chapter 3 - Ugly truth

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After 3 days of absence, Becky came to class. Even she is heartbroken, she is a responsible person.

She never went to Arts department,  sometime she saw her professor at cafeteria or at parking lot but she just looked down on the ground and pass her.

She came to know about Freen's lie from her friend and just want to ignore her as much as possible, doesn't want to make the situation more awkward. 

Freen feel guilty for her lies but she doesn’t get any chance to make it clear, because Becky try to avoid her as much as possible even if their path crossed.

"Beck, where are you?" Irin asked her best friend, they were sitting in cafeteria.
"Irin, I am sitting infront of you" Becky said smiling
"Yes you are sitting with me but your mind is somewhere "
"I am thinking about exam"
"Really?? Beck don't think too much"
Irin know what her friend is thinking about, she saw some changes on her.

"Becky my favorite student" Nam called her coming towards their table, Freen follow her slowly. Nam sit next to Becky and Freen next to Irin.
"Can we join you two" Nam asked
"You already sat Professor Nam, why you asked" Becky answered, they always joke around.
They are having lunch and chatting, most of talking is done by Nam
"Becky did you finished preparing for University exams" Nam asked
Nam gasped put her hand on her mouth
"You are genius Becky" Nam said and turn towards Irin "And you Irin?"
"Professor Nam, not everyone is like her" pointing towards her best friend

Everyone laugh, Becky can sense pair of eye on her so she looked up, she met with her professor's eye. Becky saw there is pain in Freen eyes.
Nam clear her throat
"Ummm Becky after class can you come to SSS coffee shop"
"Why Professor Nam?"
"My friend here, want to say something to you" Nam nodding towards Freen
"Its Ok, she don't have to say anything,  I understood" Becky said looking toward Freen.
Freen just sit silently.
"Becky can you do this for me" Nam pleading Becky,  so she smile and said
"Ok, I will come "
"Ok then see you there after class"
Nam leave dragging her friend.

"Beck, you don't have to do, if you don't want" Irin said looking at her friend
"Umm, but I want to hear what she is going to say" she looked at her friend and continued "Irin, don't worry. I am good, I am cool" Irin smile "Ok"

SSS coffee shop is just opposite to their university.
When Becky and her friend enter the coffee shop, Freen and Nam already there.
Nam called them towards their table. They sit opposite to them.
After they had their coffee, Nam took Irin with her, whatever excuses she made and  left Freen and Becky alone.

No one want to talk first, after a deep breath Freen open her mouth
"Uhh Becky"
Becky looked at her professor,  still her heart ache, her feelings never goes even a single bit.
"Yes Professor "
"Umm you don't have to call me that, you can call me my name"
"Umm But I prefer Professor "
"Ok, So I want you apologise for what I said to you"
"Its Ok Professor, I understand but please don't lie, lying make us guilty. I know your guilt eating you up" Freen looked up at Becky, she continues
"Even you don't want to accept my proposal, you can just tell me truth that you don't like me"
Becky take deep breath and said
"I think a lot about it. I put myself in your shoes, If I were you I might say the same. I am a kid, just turn 21 last month. And you are respected Professor of a university and we both are women, I don't even know whether you are into girl or not. What I said was based on my hopes."
"Becky I am sorry to break your heart"
"Its alright don't worry, But for future reference, I prefer ugly truth, just tell me truth even it is ugly"
"I want to tell you sorry but you are avoiding me lately"
"Umm for that, I don't want to make the situation more awkward." Becky said playfully
"Ok, can we be friend"
"Professor how can we be friends, what will people say, I am not even your student".
Becky doesn't want to be friends, she doesn’t want more closeness with Freen, doesn't mean that she hate her, but she doesn’t want to open her wound again.
"Umm, but don't be a stranger again"

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