Chapter 9 - Je t'aime

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Time goes by, Freen has holidays, spend her time at home with grandma, while her wife is working. As CEO, Becky is busy with her work.

One day, Freen want to give surprised to her wife, so she made pad thai and stir fry Prawns, pack it headed towards the company. On the way, she bought Becky favorite milk tea.

She never came there before, its her first time. She asked for Becky office, the girl at the help desk pointed towards a door.

As she goes towards the door, she heard her wife voice, as she open the door silently and step in towards the office area, she saw her wife standing and scolding her employee.

Freen faces Becky's back, she stand there and doesn't know what to do.
Some employees looked towards her and she heard her wife shouting
"What are you looking at?" and turn her head. Becky change her behavior immediately in a second.

"Go for lunch, we will continue later" and come towards her wife and smile
"Hey what a surprise? Did you bring lunch for me?"
Becky look at the bag her wife was holding, Freen nod.

Becky held her wife's hand and bring to her office and lock the door when they are inside.
While they pass, Freen heard the employees conversation 'Is she her wife', 'who is she' they know Becky is married but don't know with whom, employees are murmuring among themselves.

"Baby, why didn't you informed me before"
"Then it won't be a surprise. What was that love, why are you shouting at your employees "
"Umm they didn't work properly "
"Its ok "
Freen make her wife sit on sofa, and she sit on her wife's lap, and her hand is on the nape of Becky.
"Its ok, everything gonna be ok" Freen kissed her wife passionately and they make out for while. After they broke up, Becky asked
"What did you bring?"
"I made padthai and prawn for you and also I brought you milk tea" Becky smile.
"Did you really cooked?"
"What?? You don't believe me, I look at youtube" Freen said pouting her lip
"Then I am hungry" Becky said pinching her wife cheek.

They had lunch together, Becky praised about her wife cooking skill.
"Baby, its really tasty"
"Because I made it with love" Freen smile

After that, they snuggled on sofa, Freen said "Babe, please don't be hard on youself, I don't want to see you in stress"
"Yes, yes I won't, don't worry"
"Think when you calm down, everything gonna be ok. And if you are not ok, just talk to me".

Becky nod and kiss her wife, sometimes she wondered, whatever the condition is, her wife can calm her down.

Freen said she will leave, Becky have some work to do
"Please do not stress out ok, If you are good, I had big prize for you"

Becky smile at her wife. They were at door, come out hand in hand, suddenly Becky want to bragged her wife, she halt Freen steps and make her turn to her employee.
She clear her throat.

"Everyone meet my wife"
Some gasped but everyone greeted Freen and Freen greet them too. Their eyes seems relaxed by seeing Becky's smile. After a while, Freen said goodbye and left.

Becky call a meeting in evening, this time she talk happily and they discuss about upcoming project. And she announced whoever come with great innovation will get bonus, everyone is happy to hear that and the meeting was adjourned.
She heard someone saying 'thats wife's effect' she thought indeed its her wife's effect.

As Becky reach home, Freen is waiting for her, they had dinner together and ready for bed.
They were on bed, Becky was on her back scrolling her phone. Freen asked
"How was the work?"
"Its good thank you for calm me down " Becky looked at her wife

"I didn't do anything" Freen said
"You did, your effects" Becky smile
"Umm then lets see what reward you want"
"I am always yours, I will give your reward"

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