Chapter 6 - Nightmare

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While Becky is in England, she talk with her girlfriend everyday even for a minute .

The family stayed in a hotel, on her cousin marriage, Becky goes with her parents towards marriage venue, they rent a car as the marriage took place on countryside.

After they attend the function, when they returned to their hotel, its already dark, Mr and Mrs Armstrong sit in front and Becky at back.
While, driving on the way, the family talk about the company building process, her father wants to start the company as soon as possible.
The car took a turn on a curve on a hill side, suddenly their car crushed by a big truck that come in high speed from opposite side of the road.
"Dad, Mom!!" Becky shouted to her parents and it's like her whole life flashes before her eyes, then everything goes blank.

Becky open her eyes, everything seems numb, she immediately remember the crash and call her parents.
A nurse come running towards her and call a doctor, the doctor examined her.
She asked the doctor about her family but the doctor said, he already called her grandmother, now she is on way to hospital.
They asked her to take rest.

Becky closed her eyes and she saw her parents, then her girlfriend, she search for her phone but couldn't find it.

Her grandmother come running towards her and hugged her and crying
"Oh God!! thank you, thank you, my baby" Becky hold her grandmother
"Grandma, I am ok, I am ok, where is mom and dad, where are they, are they ok"
Grandma teary eye look at her and said
"Beck, how to say this"
Becky heart beats faster, she sense something is not right.
"Grandma, tell me where are they, I want to see them" Becky try to sit up, but her grandmother hold her hand
"Beck stay, you need rest"
"Yes, Grandma, I will take rest but let me see my parents first".

After a deep breath Grandma looked at Becky eye with full of pity
"Your parents couldn't survive the crash"

Becky's world crumbled in front of her eyes and couldn't believe it, tears falls uncontrollably, she is crying her heart out.

"Where are they grandma, I want to see them".
"We will go later, my child but for now you need to take rest"
"Grandma, don't we have to organize their funeral"

Grandma took a long sigh and look at her with teary eyes and said
"They are already in rest, Beck you were in coma for 6 months"

Becky couldn't believe her grandmother's words. So she looked at her Grandmother
"Grandma what are you talking about?"
"Its true my child, you slept for 6 months"
"Where are we grandma?"
"We are in London, your uncle took me here to look after you, no one believes that you will wake up, but thank God, everything is ok".
Becky cry her heart out and she asked for her phone, grandmother said she doesn't know maybe it broken or lost during the crash.

Grandmother asked her to take rest and gain her strength so, they can go back to Thailand.
She learned from her grandmother that her paternal uncle, her father big brother organize the funeral and bring her grandmother from Thailand.

Her uncle come to see her and give her the wills that her father left for her, its billions of money and property to her name.
Her uncle promised that he will help her building the company that her father dreamed about. Her uncle is also an entrepreneur.

She thanks her Uncle for everything what he had done. She wanted to contact her girlfriend and Irin but couldn't, her uncle and grandma said that first she should take care of herself.

After a month everything returned to normal, she gain her strength and done with mourning. Becky and her grandmother came back to Thailand.

Now, Becky live at her parents mansion with her grandmother. They kept a helper, her name is Miss Bess, she is around 40 something. Becky doesn't want her grandmother to work at the big mansion alone as she is going to be busy with her work.

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