Chapter 4 - Long Distance

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Becky was sitting on a chair of a cafeteria, near departure entrance, she is wearing a white T shirt, a grey High waist cargo pants, a white cap with a white Nike shoe.

She is examining the people outside of the cafeteria. She love to observed people from afar.
Irin came towards her with a tray, containing plate of toast with butter, two cappuccino, two chocolate cake and sit opposite to Becky. Becky removed her cap and put on the table.

"Beck why you put your phone switch off this early"
"What?? Its it new?? No one will call me, my parent are at London, they know when will I reach there and in early morning I went to grandma place, and you are here with me having breakfast, So who will call me"
"Uhmm what??" Becky asked putting the food infront of her and Irin.
"Your professor called me when I was waiting for coffee" Irin answered
"What?? What did she said?"
"She asked did you change your number, she is coming here, she want to met you before you go"

Becky is speechless, thinking what is it about, Freen want to meet her in person. Irin is studying her friend.
"Beck, you are not over her right"
"How can I over her?"
"Ok but be careful Beck, I don't want to see you hurt OK. You know I love you"
"I love you too Irin, Thanks for caring me"
"What?? You are my best friend, of course I care for you" Irin smile.

They had breakfast together and chat for a while.
Around 7:45, Irin got call and went outside of the cafeteria, a few minute later she came in with Freen.
Freen is wearing white top and black pants with white shoe, without makeup. But still she is most beautiful in Becky's eyes, she sit opposite to Becky.
Irin bring a coffee for Freen then she excuse herself then went out of cafeteria leave two to talk.

Freen check her phone and already its 8:00 she doesn't want to waste the time.
"Uhh Becky, we met yesterday but you didn't said anything about leaving the country "
"Yeah,, but what will be the purpose of that Professor "
"Yeah you are right"

Freen looked outside the cafeteria, many thoughts are running in her mind, then looked at Becky
"So, when you are coming back"
"Ummm maybe 1 to 2 yrs, I don't know after I finished my MBA."
"Ohh, you are going for you Master"
"Yeah, my dad want to do my master there, so"
"Umm good luck and I know you will do well"
"Thank you"

They sit in silence, Becky want to know why Freen want to meet her so she asked
"Is there anything I should know why you came to see me, Professor"
"Umm I -"
"Just tell me, you can say anything , I will listen, you know I am a good listener " Becky said smiling.

Freen smile a little, Becky know her professor is struggling. So Becky asked again "Professor, you can say anything to me, literally anything, you can trust me, I won't judge you"
Becky is thinking that her Professor would say something about yesterday incident
"Umm You, ..You said you want to court me, Do you still want to?? "

Now Becky is speechless, not a single word came out of her mouth, her brain short circuited.
She want to confirmed what she heard so she asked again
"What you said? Professor".
"Its ok forget it" Freen fell uneasiness
"How can I forget, I just want to hear again what you just said, Please " Becky pleading, she is cutest thing Freen ever saw, she took a long breath
"Do you still want to court me?"
Becky smile showing all her 32 teeths
"Yes I do still want to"
"I want to say I am ready, but I think the timing is not good, you are leaving the country "
Becky smile, they meet their eyes, she smile at her professor
"Are you sure professor"
Freen nod, and looked down, so Becky continued
"I want to court you in best way, can you wait a little longer, I will complete my master as soon as possible and be with you, that time, I won't be student anymore"

Freen didn't says anything, so Becky continued
"Its ok, I know I asked a lot, Its ok if you can't w--"
"I can wait, I will wait, I will wait "
Becky smile at her professor
"Are you sure, professor "
"Yes and you don't have to call me
professor "
"What you want me to call you?"
"I don't know"
"Baby, Babe, Love, Sweetheart, Honey, Darling Which you want"
Freen just smile, looking everywhere except Becky.

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