Chapter 12 - Please Wake up

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Now, Jessi is 8 months old, already grown up, she love to spend time with her mamas.
Becky took many photos and videos of her little family before Jessi and after Jessi in her Camcorder, she wants to keep lots of memories of them.

As usual, she is busy at her work, sometimes the couple had little fight about it, Freen always said that her wife is workaholic but they always make up at end.

Freen is already 32, and her wife is just turn 26 so she had some insecurity in her mind even Becky always said not to think unnecessary thoughts.

Becky love her wife with all her heart, she know many people try to flirt with her everywhere she go, as she is rich, powerful and beautiful young lady, but she ignored all the flirting and tell their faces that she is already married have a beautiful wife and a beautiful daughter.

Freen knows about how much Becky love her, her heart believes it but her mind doesn't want to believe. So they leads to their fight.

"How many time I have to tell you, I only love you" Becky said in high pitch
"Thats your words, did you see everyone try to come to you"
They went to a party for some investor earlier. People always try to get closer to Becky.
"So what?? Even they try, they won't succeed" Becky said
"Umm what?? tell me??"
"What tell me, are you scared that I will leave you one day"
"Lets stopped, Jessi will wake up"
"She won't, she is sleeping in another room, lets make it clear today. I am really tired of all these unnecessary fight"

"Ok ok I have insecurity, people change okay, I saw people changed with time, if you change your heart, I won't be able to live without you" Freen cry her heart out.

Pleople changed, she learned from her family, when she was little, her father was a good and caring man, she adore him alot but later he became alcoholic, abuse her mother and always had affairs with other women time to time, that lead to their broken family.

Becky come towards her wife and hugged her tightly.
"Hey don't cry, I am not going anywhere"

Freen still crying so Becky made her sit on bed and made her look in the eyes
"Look at me mommy "
Freen look at Becky eyes

"Don't think lightly of my word mommy, I mean it what I said. I love you with all my heart and we are meant to be together"

"I am sorry, I know you love me and I love you too, but sometimes my mind try to tricked me that you may changed with time, I saw people changed.
You are full of energy, rich and look at your face, you are so beautiful, handsome and cute, anyone could fall for you in instant, you can have any girl you want"

Becky laughed at her wife words
"You said those words before but believe me, I am only yours and you are mine, that won't change, other things may changed but not that one .
Even if I lost all of my memories, my love for you will still with me, it carved deep down in my heart, in my soul"
Becky pointed to her heart.

Freen hugged her wife and doesn't want to let her go .
Becky start kissing her lip, in between she said "I am addicted to you mommy" then start kissing Freen neck and they end up having sex, their make up sex. 

"Please baby, don't think otherwise ok" Becky caress her wife face, both are naked
"Umm I will try my best"
"So, what do you want mommy "
"I mean what do you want, I will buy for you"
"Where it come from? I don't want anything"
"Really?? Not even me"
"Hey, You are not a thing to be want, and most importantly I already have you"
Becky smile, she said
"Shall we go for overseas trip?"
"I want to but Jessi is still little, lets wait for little more time, then we will plan a trip together"

"Umm, ok.. Mommy one more thing, I ..umm .. about work, I know it took lots of time from us, but this is only thing I can continue what my dad started, so sometimes bears with me"
"I know , I know... I just want more time with you that's why... but I understood, don't worry"
"Thank you"
"Love you"
"Love you more".

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