Chapter 10 - Bun in the Oven

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The couple walk hand in hand at nearby park, after they had nice dinner in a fancy restaurant.
Its already dark, only the light is from the moon and street lamps that stand along the footpath. The place is deserted, only few people pass them.

"Do you know why God put space between our fingers " Becky asked
"No. Why?" Freen said
"So that, another person fingers could fill them. In my case your fingers could perfectly fit with mine" Becky said raising their interlock hand and kiss it.
Freen look at her wife with a smile.

"If our finger doesn't have space between them, how could we hold eachother haha that must be funny and most importantly my finger work perfectly on you"
Becky said biting her lower lip

Freen laugh, she know her wife finger work magically on her body
"Ohh you are such a tease"

Becky laugh and pull her wife under a street lamp, she look around and came to know no one is around. So she hold Freen waist, bring closer and kiss her passionately. She keep kissing her wife under each street lamps.

Later at night, they were about to sleep holding each other naked body.
"Mommy lets have a baby, Mom and Grandma would like to see their grandchild" Becky said out of nowhere
Freen blink, she doesn’t expect what Becky just said,
"What Daddy??"
"Lets have kid"
"Are you serious ?"
"Yes, don't you want?"
"I want but I didn't expect that now, wait a minute did my mom asked you to have a kid?"
Sometime Mrs Chankimha talk about it with her daughter.
"No no, its not about mom, I want to have our little family for our own"
"Is that so?"
"Ok, if you want"
"It won't be my decision only, I want yours too"
"Yes, I want to have a family with you, my love"

Becky smile and hugged her wife wishpering "Thank you"
"But in one condition "

Becky move herself and look at Freen and asked  "Is there a condition??"
"Yes, I want to carry our children, in case if you want more than one"
"What?? I don't want to make you go through all alone"
"No, I won't, you will be with me, right"
"I am always with you"
"Then, I will carry all our babies, but we can discuss whose egg we are going to use"
"Mommy, you don't have to. I also can carry"
"Daddy, this is only thing I can do for you, please allow me" Freen is pleading
"Ok, but if you change your mind, tell me"
"Yes, but I won't change my mind" Freen know she won't change her mind about this, not a single bit.

They agreed that for their first baby they are going to used Freen's egg.

They went to England for IVF.
Becky made an appointment to a most successful IVF clinic in London and start the procedure.

England is like Becky's second home, she know every city and every street of London. They goes for sight seeing, meanwhile they also visit to her parents grave. Time to time she did video conference with her employee update about the work.

After two week, Freen conceived their first baby. Becky bought a brand new Camcorder to capture their wonderful journey.

After 1 months of pregnancy, they came back to Thailand and referred a doctor there.
The couple told the good news to their mom and grandma.
Mrs Chankimha is so happy about the news and grandma too.

The couple want to break the news to their friends so they invited them for lunch.

"Freen you are glowing, ummhh what is the secret " Nam commented
"We had a good news " Freen said holding her wife hand.
"Tell us tell us" Baitoey said
"We are having a baby, I am pregnant " Freen smile.
Everyone shouting with happiness, Irin hug Becky, Everyone hug Freen .
"So we are having our nibling" Noey chim in
"Yes" Becky answered with a big smile
"When we are expecting our little angel " Irin asked.
"In 7 months" Becky answered

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