Chapter 13

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Three hours later we were once again sitting in my bedroom, my floor nearly filled with shopping bags. 

"I can't believe you bought me a dress without even letting me try it on." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and huffing for what felt like the thousandth time in what felt like forever. 

"Oh stop being such a wuss." Lenny sighed, rolling her eyes as she dug through one bag for the dress that I was going to wear. 

"Besides, if I let you try it on you would have ran out of the store screaming." Lenny giggled seeing my horrified expression. 

"Probably with good reason you fiend!" I cried. 

"Fiend? Seriously? What are you ancient or something? Who uses fiend as an insult any more?" Lenny snorted shaking her head as she pulled out the dresses from the bags.

I decided to ignore her comment seeing as how Adrian and Erik's revelation the other night basically proved Lenny's comment, nearly hitting the nail on the head so to speak. 

I slapped a hand over my face as she found what she was looking for. "Oh my god I'm going to look like a cheap prostitute. I'm going to become a magnet for shit and it won't stop coming until I'm drowning in feces. Oh god why are you so cruel?" I shouted melodramatically raising my hands to the sky for effect.

My shout got cut off by a piece of fabric being thrown into my face, part of the dress inevitably ending up in my mouth. I choked pulling the fabric off my head, holding it away from my face so I could see the nightmare Lenny had bought me. 

"Stop being so dramatic and I have better taste than that, at least give me a little credit." Lenny grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and waiting for my opinion on the dress. 

"You're right." I whispered staring at the little navy blue dress. 

"You do deserve credit...for buying the most expensive prostitute loin cloth I've ever seen!" I shouted, tossing the material back at her and stalking to the washroom. 

"It is not a loin cloth! It's a dress and you are going to wear it to that club tonight young lady!" Lenny shouted back throwing the material into the washroom just as I managed to slam it closed. 

"Dammit!" I growled, picking up the small dress. I moved to open the door again so I could once more throw it at Lenny but found it had jammed some how. I put both hands on the doorknob and yanked. 

"LENNY LET ME OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANCE!!!" I shouted, slamming my hand against the door. 

"Put the dress on and promise me that you are going to have a good time tonight at that club with your two Romeo's and I will let you out." She called back. 

"If you don't let me out I'm going to call the police!" I glared at the door, hoping she could feel my stare through the door, searing the pretty red hair of hers. 

"I hope you have a pen and paper and some freakin stamps because the only way you are going to be contacting the police is by air mail!" she cackled, making me angrily start banging on my bathroom door again. 

"LET ME OUT!!!" I screamed. "Put on the dress!" Lenny said in a sing song voice. 

2 1/2 hours later:

"I hate you." I snapped, glaring at Lenny through my vanity mirror as she fixed my hair into a beautiful twist at the back of my head. 

"It's opposite day sweetie, so the more times you keep saying you hate me, the more times I hear... 'I love you.'" Lenny giggled. 

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