Chapter 16

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I only got about halfway up the stairs before I remembered that Lenny had disappeared with that other vampire. 

His name for the life of me I couldn't seem to recall.

I ran back down the stairs at full speed despite the protestation in my stomach that literally threatened to see sunlight once more if I went any faster than I already was. 

Skidding to a stop at the bottom of the stairs my mates both turned to look at me frowns on their faces.

"L-Lenny!" I managed to puff out through my gasping. I felt a very unpleasant churning in my stomach and automatically moved both my hands, one to cover my mouth and the other to press against my stomach. 

"Thought you might ask that, she's on her way over just a few minutes tops. Better slow down love you're gonna make yourself literally sick." Erik murmured walking over to me and pressing a wet cloth against my head. 

Surprisingly the dampness of the cloth calmed my body down to the point that I felt as right as rain. I sighed in relief and found myself leaning closer towards Erik, my hands coming to rest on his hips.

"Better?" He asked the smile evident in his voice. I gave him a lazy smile which had him chuckling as he pulled me into his body, his lips moving to press against my temple which was not being covered by the cloth in his hand. 

Having my body pressed against his like the way we were had my heart beating faster and my palms and cheeks to flame with a subtle burn. I tilted my head up as if on someone else's command. 

Since Erik was also almost a head taller than me my lips only grazed the bottom of his jaw and I watched in awe as the muscles beneath his smooth skin fluttered with anticipation as he flexed his jaw, his eyes dropping down and locking with mine.

I felt like I was in a trance. Nothing around me meant anything, everything was worth nothing except for the man in my arms right now. 

I leaned up onto my toes and brushed a kiss against his mouth. The touch was feather light, merely a brush of the lips against one another but it was enough. 

I heard the subtle catch in Erik's breath. I saw his eyes dilate to the point where the black of his eyes nearly consumed the entirety of his iris's and I saw the tips of his teeth sharpen to thin points.

I couldn't help the smirk that pulled up the corners of my lips at seeing the power I carried over my mate. Noticing the change in my expression a dangerously deep growl escaped his lips. 

Before I realized it, Erik had slipped one of his arms right beneath my ass and yanked upwards forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist or risk losing my balance and falling over. My hands gripped onto his steel hard shoulders as a gasp escaped my lips. I was now only just a head taller than Erik now and our faces were nearly pressed against one another's. His eyes locked with mine and I noted the triumphant smirk pulling at the edges of his lips now that our roles had been reversed. 

"Mina, mi bella." Erik whispered, his hand gliding into my hair and tangling my locks around his fingers, using that as an anchor, Erik pulled my face down to his for a searing kiss that had my heart nearly taking off inside my chest. 

I didn't know what it was that made me do it but while I was lip locked with Erik my eyes opened and locked with Adrian's. He was still standing in the kitchen only a few feet away from us, his eyes trained on us as we kissed like new lovers. 

His expression wasn't hurt or angry it was intrigued and especially hungry. I felt Erik trail his lips down along my jaw till he was nipping at the side of my jugular. An unexpected moan escaped my lips when he touched a particularly sensitive area that had my hands fisting in the back of his hair and my legs tightening their grasp on his hips.

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