Chapter 9

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I sat in the car with Lenny driving us back to my place, my hand rubbing tenderly on the sore spot positioned right on my upper right arm.

"You're evil, you know that? Attacking a sick person." I grumbled, shooting her a glare as she turned onto my street.

"Hate the game sweetie not the player." She smirked.

"Overachiever." I hissed under my breath.

"Slut!" she threw back. My mouth dropped open as I stared at Lenny in shock.

"Excuse me!?" I shouted. She just let loose a maniacal laugh.

"Oh what? Did you already forget you were practically having sex with Erik back in the hospital?" Lenny teased, smirking when she saw my cheeks turn red.

"And don't think I didn't see that look you shot Adrian either."

"What LOOK?!" I shouted.

"Oh please girl! You so wanted him to join in!" She laughed, shaking her head.

"I did NOT!" I cried, slapping my lap in a mini hissy fit.

"Okay I believe you." She sighed, looking defeated.

"No you don't." I glared.

A bright smile spread across her face. "I know." She giggled at my frustrated expression. 

"It's okay sex kitten. No need to be ashamed that you like to be the meat and lettuce to the two slices of bread"

I shot her a confused look. "Did you seriously just compare the three of us to a sandwich?"

She giggled, nodding her head as she pulled the car to stop in my driveway.

"Do you want me to stay the night?" She asked, her tone becoming serious, all joking aside.

"So you can tease me the rest of the night? I don't think so." I grumbled, opening the car door, ready to get out.

"Okay scouts honour. I won't tease you tonight about what happened back at the hospital." She stated, lifting her right hand up.

I narrowed my eyes at her, taking in her too wide smile and the clear shine of amusement in her eyes.

"What's the catch?" I asked. She shook her head. "I promise no catch." She smiled.

"So you won't bring up anything? Like ever again?" I clarified. She dropped her right hand, her smile widening.

"I only said I wouldn't say anything tonight. I never said anything about the days after that." She giggled.

I stepped out of the car and slammed her door closed. "One night of silence from you is better than nothing." I grumbled, waving her into my house as I unlocked the door and opened it.

She pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialed in a number. "What are you doing?" I asked, leading her up to my room.

"I don't know about you but the nurse said that we have to get food in you so you can get your strength back. With the type of food they serve at the hospital I'm amazed more people don't die from starvation after staying there for a long period of time. That food is disgusting." She shuddered, shaking her head as she placed the order for two large pizzas of our favourite toppings.

When she ended the call she jumped up, her hand grabbing her keys from the table. "I almost forgot about the food in the back of my car." she whispered, running out of my room before I had a chance to say anything.

Two minutes later when she came back, her hands were filled with bags and bags of chips and candies. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw the amount of junk food she brought.

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