Chapter 11

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"What do you mean I'm not human? Of course I'm human- I mean look at me. I was born into this world, I have to breathe air to survive. I haven't gotten any cravings to drink a person dry lately and I am severely repulsed by blood." I grimaced, shuddering at the thought of the red liquid. 

"So therefore I can't be a...I can't be a v-vampire." I murmured finding it odd having that world roll off my tongue.

"Do you remember that nightmare you had? The one that you keep having every night?" Adrian asked.

 I felt a shudder of fear go through me. I remember. I remember that nightmare vividly. 

"Yes." I croaked, feeling sick. "That was another memory, Mina. The last memory you had as a vampire before you died." Erik said solemnly.

"That was real?" I asked, my eyes beginning to burn when I recalled the feeling of the blade digging into my chest, my lungs releasing air, and the pain. the Agony of hearing Adrian and Erik's cries of loss and revenge.

"Unfortuantely yes it was. You died trying to save me. I haven't been able to forgive myself...even after all these years." He whispered, caressing the side of my neck, giving me goosebumps.

"H-how long ago did this happen?" I asked, trying to hide my shiver from his gaze. "Almost 400 years ago." Erik whispered. My eyes widened in surprise.

"So you're both saying that I was a vampire that lived 400 years ago." I repeated.

"You are a reincarnate of one. When you died, your soul passed on to another life form, along with your vampire side."

"So I'm a reincarnate of a vampire, but I'm human?" I frowned, trying to wrap my head around everything that they were saying.

"You're only human for now. When a vampire is reincarnated, the vampire isn't born straight into its original form. They must be awakened, in order to be a vampire once more." Adrian explained.

I frowned. "Awakened?" I asked confused. "What are you gonna hold hands and mutter some ancient language to bring me back to life, like the Mummy?"

"No, Mina." Erik smirked, him and Adrian leaning in close to me, till their faces were nearly touching the sides of my neck. 

"We are going to bite you. The vampire inside can only be awakened by loved ones, or else anyone can do it." They murmured. Their voices were incredibly husky, and the feel of their warm breathes grazing the side of my neck had me biting my lower lip to hold in the embarrassing sounds I wanted to make, at their close proximity.

"Since you have the both of us and not just one, you have to be bitten...twice." Erik whispered, flicking his tongue over the spot where my pulse beat right beneath the skin. 

I couldn't hold back the gasp of pleasure that escaped my lips from the brief touch. The dull throbbing started again in my gums. The feeling that something was trying to get out.

"You can feel them can't you? just below the surface...itching to come out." Adrian whispered, nipping me on the neck. The throbbing intensified and I moaned in pain and pleasure. By now I was panting heavily, my body yearning for the bite. 

Everything they had just told me was completely unbelievable. It was impossible to believe it all, but the dull ache radiating from my gums was hard to ignore.

"They ache whenever Erik or I are close enough to bite you." Adrian murmured. 

"Are you going to bite me?" I whimpered, trembling as they placed their hands on my lower back and waist.

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