Chapter 8

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After waking up and remembering what happened the other day, I felt a small smile slip onto my lips when I realized that I had fallen asleep in between Adrian and Erik. Their arms both securely wrapped around my waist and their breath heating the back of my neck and the top of my head.

I glanced up at Erik's face and saw that his eyes were closed, his mouth slightly open as he inhaled and exhaled. He looked so handsome and peaceful. I slowly snuggled into his chest sighing with pleasure when I felt the hard planes of his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.

At the feel of my movement, he shifted slightly, his breathing becoming deeper as his eyes fluttered open. They slowly shifted to meet mine and a large smile pulled at the edges of his pink lips.

"Mmmm I remember that beautiful face." He whispered making me giggle as my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

Adrian's arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to him as he buried his face into my neck. "Who are we talking about?" He grumbled tiredly, nuzzling my neck as he placed a small kiss on my shoulder.

"No one in particular." I smiled, shifting slightly so that I could see both Adrian and Erik easily. The sound of the door opening made all three of us turn to look, a nurse had just stepped into my hospital room, her glasses perched on the edge of her nose and a large metal clipboard in hand.

She paused at the door when she realized that instead of a single patient in bed there were three.

"Uh Oh did someone or some people sneak in after hours and decided to have a sleep over in my ward?" She tsked disapprovingly, her brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

I felt my face heat with embarrassment while Adrian and Erik just nodded, large charming smiles stretched across their lips, making them look almost innocent.

"We were worried about Mina, so we had to come by." Adrian grinned, patting my head like I was a two year old child.

I shot him an annoyed look which he answered with a sly wink that nearly had my heart stopping inside my chest. God he was handsome I thought before I was pulled back out of my thoughts when I felt Erik and Adrian both slipping out of bed.

My lower lip instantly jutted out into a pout when I no longer felt their presences beside me. The nurse chuckled at my expression as she gently touched my eyes, shining a light in them to check to see if my brain was functioning normally after my little black out in front of my school's entire student body.

"Don't worry sweetie your two teddy bears will be back in bed when I've finished my check up." She smiled, making my blush darken.

The sound of Erik and Adrian's combined chuckles had me shooting glares at them as the nurse continued to check the readings on the monitors and my vitals.

"How are you feeling today sweetie? Any light headedness? Seeing any weird dark spots? Fatigue?" She listed off marking off on her clip board as I shook my head. "No, I'm feeling better." I whispered.

"Well that's good. Your vitals all seem normal, your blood sugar is a little low but I believe that is an after affect of the exhaustion. I suggest you take a few sick days off from school and catch up on some sleep. Drink lots of water and make sure to eat lots of fruits to help with the sugar, and you should be back to normal in no time." The nurse smiled, tucking her clip board under her arm and clasping her fingers together in front of her.

"Okay. Thank you for all of your help." I smiled. She nodded before turning and moving to leave. "I'll call in the doctor so he can clear you." She stated before stepping out of the hospital room and closing the door behind her.

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