Chapter 17

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We sat in silence for a few minutes, Lenny allowing me to sit and get lost in my own thoughts. That's when my train of thought went to Sean, the vampire Lenny had disappeared with the other night.

I immediately turned from my spot on the couch beside her and wrapped my hands around her neck and turned her head sideways left and right. Making sure to check every part of her neck for any bite marks or suspicious markings of any kind. Anything that would show me that Sean had over stepped and had bit my friend on the first night.

"Mina!! What the hell-" Lenny growled, trying to push me off, but I maintained my hold on her.

"One second! I'm just checking for-stuff" I grumbled, when her hand slapped over my face and she shoved. I squealed as we both tumbled to the floor, with her falling on top of me.

"Get off of me Mina!!!" Lenny screamed, pushing my hands off of her and shoving me away with her feet.

"God! What are the boys not doing a good enough job between the sheets that you have to attack me?!" She huffed, brushing her hair out of her face and shooting me a glare.

I opened my mouth to answer when I was interrupted.

"If that's the case we just need to try a little harder than. Right, Erik?" Adrian chuckled. I flushed a bright red when I picked my head up off of the floor to see Adrian leaning over the back of the couch with his arms resting on the cushions while Erik stood with his arms crossed over his impressive chest a smirk tugging up the sides of his sinful lips.

Just remembering what those lips had done to me upstairs a few minutes before instantly made my insides quiver and I unconsciously pressed my legs together to fight off the heat building up inside.

"Shut up." I grumbled, making a pouty face at all of them. "I was just trying to see if you guys had done the...naughty." I frowned, trying to search for the proper word.

"The naughty? Seriously, Mina? What are you five? If you were that curious you could have just asked. I would have told you all the details." Lenny sighed, pushing herself off of the floor and back onto the couch.

"Well I was looking to see if he was a...hickey guy." I mumbled, feeling stupid now that I could feel the weight of Adrian and Erik's eyes on me. I knew that they could tell what I had been actually looking for. I peeked up at them between my eyelashes and saw that they were both subtly shaking their heads in disappointment.

I felt my embarrassment burn up my neck and infuse my cheeks with heat. I could tell that when Lenny left Adrian and Erik were either going to give me a lecture or I was going to have to give an apology.

"Hey lover boys, Mina wants to have some girl talk. So shoo! You had her all night and this morning, now I get to have some girl time with her for an hour at least." Lenny called, snapping her fingers and shooing the boys with her hands.

I could see that my mates didn't like being pushed from the room but they went anyways mumbling their excuses and disappearing from view.

"Mina get your butt off of the floor and come sit on the couch. Unless you are gonna jump me again then you can stay down there." Lenny sighed, shaking her head at me.

"I'm sorry for that OK!? God you love making me feel like shit." I huffed, pushing myself up off the floor and moving to sit on the couch beside her.

She lightly nudged me in the side with her foot. "I'm kidding you know I am. I was just surprised that's all. You kind of hurt me." She grumbled, rubbing the side of her neck tenderly.

"Sorry about that. I guess I got excited." I mumbled.

"Clearly. I thought you had been possessed or something and wanted to take my head off." Lenny chuckled, lightly punching me in the arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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