Chapter 10

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Mina's POV:

After a few hours of calming down for both Lenny and I, Lenny finally drifted off to sleep. Adrian and Erik had both decided to stay downstairs in case of an emergency. Lenny was able to fall back asleep but I wasn't. My mind was racing. I kept going over my dreams and nightmares. They are all started a day before Erik and Adrian happened to show up and enrol into my school.

And when they brought me to that castle and told me that I had lived there before? A large ache started to worm its way into the centre of my head. 

What ever might have been happening I felt like I was going insane. I was scared out of my wits when the two of them started talking to me, the both of them sounded like they had come from a different era.

 I wanted to run for hills screaming for them to leave me alone but when I was away from them I felt sick to my stomach.

Just thinking about them both being with other women had me on the verge of puking. Letting out a deep sigh I sat up in my bed, being careful not to move so much that I ended waking up Lenny. I needed to ask questions and I needed the answers now. And I knew I wouldn't be able to get them if Lenny was awake. 

I quietly slipped my feet out of the bed and placed them on the hard wood floor, before I padded my way out of the room and silently as possible closed the door behind me. When I knew that Lenny wasn't going to wake up, I walked down the stairs to the living room where I could hear hushed voices as Adrian and Erik discussed things that my ears couldn't pick up.

Almost as if sensing I was near the both of them stopped talking and came out to stand before me at the foot of the stairs, their expressions guarded and concerned. I couldn't help my usual appraisal of their good looks. I was a warm blood woman after all and I would be retarded if I didn't find the both of them beyond attractive.

Fighting my need to keep raking my eyes over their bodies, I tentatively bit my lower lip. Did I really want to know what was going on? Would I like what I was about to hear?

Mulling these things over in my head I spoke before I had a chance to come up with some lame excuse to get out of asking. "We need to talk. I want to know what the hell is going on with me." I hissed my frustration seeping into my voice. I tried to keep my voice down for Lenny's sake.

The two of them nodded, their jaws tensing. "We are willing to tell you everything you want to know. But we need you to trust us. We need to know that if we show you that you won't run from us." I felt fear curl in the pit of my stomach. 

Show me what? What could they possibly show me that would make me run from them? Deep in the bottom of my belly I think I had a vague idea what it might be.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I knew that I had to ask to find out what the nightmares were about. 

"I-I promise I won't run." I whispered, knowing that if something happened, no matter what it was, I knew I wouldn't...couldn't run from them. An odd sense of security wrapped itself around me after I let those words out.

Adrian and Erik both visibly relaxed but they were still tense in some areas. Their eyes still glowed with worry and that made me feel evil that I didn't trust them fully. Adrian motioned with his head for me to follow their lead. We walked out to the backyard, slipping quietly through the porch sliding doors and out into the garden. We kept walking until we were right at the boundary line where my mom's property ended.

It was quite a distance from my house, the cool night air, caused goosebumps to form on my arms. I consciously wrapped my arms around myself trying to get the warmth back in me. Adrian and Erik were wearing less clothes then me but the weather didn't seem to affect their shirtless chests and loose hanging jeans. 

"I want to know why I'm having these dreams, these nightmares of things that have never happened to me but are so vivid I can't tell the difference anymore between what's real and what's not!" I didn't realize I was shouting until I stopped talking. I guess I was a little more agitated than I was letting on.

"That's because they're not dreams Mina. They're memories. Your memories." Adrian breathed softly, his eyes filled with pain.

I shook my head as my brain tried to find the logic in his sentence. "How is that possible? How can I have memories that are obviously hundreds of years old when I'm only 18?" I reasoned.

"Because these memories are not from this lifetime but the one previous." Erik answered this time, making me shift my gaze to his.

"I don't understand." I whispered shaking my head. "Some people believe that energy is not destroyed once it has been used. This energy being the life living within all of us." Adrian said.

"You a person's soul?" I asked frowning wondering where this was going. Adrian and Erik nodded together.

"Yes. People believe that when we die that our soul's, our energy, doesn't die with our bodies. It gets transferred. Sometimes to another living thing or to the Earth itself." He continued.

"Human's call it reincarnation." Erik supplied.

I felt confusion sweep over me. "Why did you say human' you aren't one of us?" I asked, feeling that numbing fear coming back and curling in the pit of my stomach.

Erik and Adrian both gave me bitter smiles, before they parted their lips and showed the tips of their pearly white teeth. But the thing that caught my eye was not the fact that these boys were perfect inside and out, but the fact that they had fangs.

My eyes widened in fear as I took in the two pairs of sharp pointed fangs, glistening in their mouths. "W-why do you guys have fangs?" I asked frightened, taking a step back one after the other as they followed, mimicking my movements to the letter.

Suddenly they appeared on either side of me, their bodies barely inches from touching my skin. "Because we aren't human Mina." Adrian whispered, his usual burning ocean blue eyes were now the color of moss green.

"And neither are you." Erik finished.


sorry this is a short chapter i will finish this later on today i promise just hold out until then but i hope u like this little teaser chapter my lovelies!!!!



love <3

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