Chapter 7

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Adrian's POV

Guilt. That's all I felt as I peered into the window of my sweet Mina's room. She looked so exhausted and drained. I had done this to her. I put her here, in this horrid place.

I thought that when we had taken her to the ruins that she would remember. That she would remember Erik and her life she had lived with us many years ago. I thought she would remember me.

But I had pushed her too hard. Her mind wasn't ready to remember but I ignored it. And now she had almost died...again because of me.

"What happened then was out of your control Adrian." Erik whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off, not wanting him to make me feel better.

"It doesn't matter!" I hissed. "She's in the hospital now, because of me."

"No, she's in here because of us,  Adrian. Us. You are not the only one who wanted her to remember." Erik sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Tanya certainly didn't help." I grumbled under my breath. Erik suppressed a shudder of disgust. "That was by far the worst idea I've ever had in over 300 years." He grunted, making me chuckle.

"Agreed." I smiled. In our little quest to win Mina over, Erik had come up with this idea of making her jealous by letting her see us hang out with Tanya. That was a mistake that I did not want to repeat.

The sound of the door opening beside us made us look to the side, our eyes locking with Lenny's "She wants to see you both." She growled, her eyes narrowed in a glare.

"Thank you for letting us come." Erik nodded, opening the door. "Trust me I was against the whole thing, so I suggest you not upset her anymore then she already is." She threatened pointing a warning finger at the both of us.

"You have our word." I promised, before I followed Erik into the room, filled with the humming and beeping of the monitors that were keeping our Mina alive.

Mina's POV

I watched from my bed as Erik and Adrian stepped into my room, making their way till they stood at the foot of my bed, their expressions somber and guarded. But I could see through their facade. They were scared and worried.

The concern they showed made my heart swell in my chest and embarrassing enough the heart monitor picked it up. I felt my cheeks blush a dark red when I saw their eyes shift to the machine before they looked back at me, small smiles gracing their features.

"T-there's something that we need to talk about." I breathed, clearing my throat. "I've been having these dreams. Dreams that I can't explain." I paused licking my lips to moisten them.

"The night before the two of you showed up at my school...I had a dream, about the both of you-God does this sound crazy or what?" I laughed humourlessly as I looked away, needing to break eye contact.

"No it doesn't Mina." Erik murmured, stepping around the bed just like Adrian did, before they came to a stop on either side of me.

"Continue." Adrian coaxed. I took a deep breath before nodding. "I-I was wearing a-red dress and I could have sworn that we were at that place that you took me to...anyways then that's when I saw the both of you, dressed in tuxedos." Adrian and Erik shared a look.

"You both said something about a...ball but you both decided that you didn't want to go because you both wanted to-" I stopped short when I realized that in that dream Erik and Adrian had taken me back to their room to have sex with me.

I felt my body flush slightly with desire and embarrassment. "And-?" Erik coaxed, placing his hand lightly on top of mine.

Just that single touch had my heart jumping in anticipation. The sound of the monitor breaking its steady beeping had Erik retracting his hand so that it was a safe distance from me.

"A-and that's when the two you took me up to my room - and that's when I woke up." I lied, biting my lower lip slightly. "But the thing is these dreams I've been having...don't feel like dreams. They feel too real."

"Tell us about another one of your dreams." Adrian encouraged, his gaze hard.

"Lately I've been having the same dream over and over again. Well its more like a nightmare than a dream."

"A nightmare? How so?" Adrian questioned.

"I'm being chased...through the forest by this man with completely black eyes. In my mind I keep referring to him as a...'Shadower' or something." I saw Adrian and Erik stiffen, their bodies going completely rigid.

"In this dream, are Erik and I in it?" Adrian asked his voice coming out more like a growl. 

"I-yes and You both try to save me but-" I stopped short feeling the familiar fear creep back inside of me.

"But?" Erik breathed waiting for me to continue.

Tears once again burned behind my eyes. "But I die anyways." Adrian and Erik leaned over me as I burst into another fit of tears.

"It's going to be alright Mina." Erik soothed, running a hand through my hair while Adrian gently wiped my tears from my cheeks, his hands incredibly gentle.

When I had stopped crying I felt my body burn with exhaustion. "Go to sleep Mina, we will come and see you when you wake up." Adrian smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"No-stay!" I cried, pulling on their hands. I didn't want them to leave. I felt safe with them close. I scooted onto my side in the middle of the bed, making space for the both of them, before I patted the cot.

"Please stay with me." I begged, imploring them with my eyes for them to stay. They nodded gently before they both climbed onto the cot, Adrian wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me back into his hard chest, while he buried his head into the back of my neck. I pressed my face into Erik's chest while he touched his lips against my hair line, keeping them there as he placed gentle kisses into my skin.

I couldn't help but sigh, their strong musky scent had a fog forming over my mind and that calmed me down better then the drugs they were giving me. It felt good to lay in between Erik and Adrian. I felt incredibly safe. Like nothing could touch me.

"Sleep Love. We will be here when you wake up." Adrian whispered, before placing a kiss on my shoulder. I smiled softly before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.  

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