Things going wrong in a good way of sorts?

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James and Sirius were still at sea trying to find Remus however things weren't going better on land it's been much harder for Regulus and being king ever since Bellatrix exposed his affair with James he has been trying to be a king of the town but he has been noticing something was odd but he didn't know exactly what that was but little did he know two assassins were in the castle.

Peter and Barty Jr were sneaking around the castle trying to see where Regulus was Peter dragged Barty with him because Peter didn't know how to get into the castle the plan was to try and poison Regulus' drink but they had to get to the kitchen to try or see where Regulus would be so the two assassins were following Regulus Barty was leading the way while Peter made sure if any of the castle staff saw them they would be knocked out and taken somewhere in a hidden place however awhile or so the two lost Regulus because of Peter as always so Barty got quite annoyed at Peter so in a whisper he would shout at Peter "And we lost him it's always your fault Peter!" the whisper was more like a shouty whisper than a proper whisper Peter just looked at Barty and he just took Peter's hand and walked off to find Regulus and to see where he went Peter felt bad that Barty had to drag him even though this mission is Peter's even though he asked Barty to come with him.

That was when the two came into a room that was a library they were surprised by this place that was when Barty noticed Regulus so the two got near a bookshelf that was when Barty let go of Peter's hand then Barty whispered to Peter "Go and put the poison in his cup!" Peter nodded his head to Barty when Peter saw Regulus leave the chair that he was sitting in Peter went over to the cup got the poison out of his pocket opened it out and put it all in the cup once he was done he put the lid back on and put the empty bottle back in his pocket than going back over to Barty quickly the two looked each other before they were looking to see what will happen next.

Regulus would come back over to his chair and sit in he would read for a bit before he would pick up his cup of tea but he felt like something was off so he would smell it and wasn't sure if he should drink it or not and a castle staff member who had came into the room noticed Regulus' look so the staff member would go over to him "Your majesty is everything alright?" Regulus would look up to the staff member and then speak "No I can smell something is off with my cup of tea now I don't know what it is though that is the problem." The staff member then spoke again "I will take it back to the kitchen and see if they can make you a new cup of tea Your Majesty." that was when the castle staff member took the cup of tea from Regulus' hands then Regulus would pick up his book again "Alright thank you." the staff member would bow to Regulus then leaving the room Barty was mouthing swear words while Peter didn't know what to say at all either way the two assassins thought it was a good idea to sneak out of the room and they would think of a new plan of how to get rid of the king.

The two assassins had come back to the castle when it was night time Regulus was now asleep in his room Peter was following Barty Crouch Jr around the castle to get to Regulus' room but they didn't realize it was on the third floor so they had to go through a window to not get caught that was when Peter looked at Barty "So what is the plan...? You haven't exactly told me, Barty." Barty looked at Peter "The plan is that we are going to kill the king in his sleep with a pillow. Alright?" Peter nodded his head to Barty and the two figured out which one was Regulus' room it wasn't that hard to figure it out which one was they opened the door quietly and went into the room.

When they were in the room they saw how huge it was but how messy it was since Regulus hadn't exactly been out of the castle properly for a good while the two assassins both knew why but that didn't matter to them at all they would get around the mess making sure they made no sounds however Peter saw Barty had already gotten over to Regulus he would get one of the pillows from the bed and he was about to put it over Regulus' mouth to finish the job and get him out of the picture but that was when Peter fell over something making a huge sound Barty turned around so quickly he did realize that Regulus had woken up and had a pillow on him confused Regulus would take the pillow off his face and saw the two assassins that were when Peter noticed Regulus awake his eyes went huge Barty looked at Peter confused then slowly looked behind to see Regulus his eyes grew huge they were both to say something but Regulus shouted "GUARDS! GET THESE TWO ASSASSINS THEY ARE TRYING TO END MY LIFE!" Regulus knew they were assassins for sure that was when Barty booked for it and got Peter in the process the guards tried to get them but the two assassins got out of the castle quickly before the guards could even get them.

The guards were annoyed that they didn't get the assassins however Regulus was now out of bed the guards saw that he was but decided to say nothing Regulus knew they didn't get the assassins so he shrugged it off he was too tired to deal with any of this right now and the guards knew that however some of the other royal staff members noticed that Regulus was awake and not in bed so they were confused about what had happened but that was when Regulus sighed then spoke: "Look I am going to read and I am too tired to even deal with this and guards if you see those two assassins again in this castle put them in the dungeon." The guards all spoke at the same time "Yes your majesty!" They then turned around and walked off that was when Regulus started to walk to the stairs to go to the library that was when one of the staff members spoke up "Your majesty is it a good idea after what happened to even go to the library?" Regulus turned around to look at the royal staff member who said "Honestly no but after tonight I just want to be by myself." he then let out a big sigh "Also when Sirius Black is back on land please tell him to come up to the castle he should be back in a week that will be all." before any of royal staff said anything Regulus was already going down the stairs to the library.

However, Regulus didn't want to see Sirius not after what had happened since he felt like after his brother finding out about his affair with James he couldn't exactly look Sirius in the eye, however, Regulus knew he needed to talk to Sirius because he knew that after that someone had put a hit on him not knowing who it was the worse thing to Regulus so he needed to talk to Sirius to see if he had any idea to get around this or anything like that.

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