chapter 8: household rules

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Chase's pov:

I also needed to find out who did this to her. I will get to the bottom of this..

Leo, Adrien and I stand in silence for the next few seconds. The tension in our minds are growing by the minute. Adrien then suddenly walks upstairs probably towards Vincent's room. Leo then exits the room too, probably heading to his lab.

This leaves me alone in the kitchen. Just great. I take myself to the gaming room and begin to play Call of Duty. It's a good way to distract my mind from all my thoughts. My thoughts about Nat that is.

Time Passes:

By the time I know it, it's already 07:20 am. I switch off the Playstation 5 and make my way to the breakfast bar. When I get there I see Vincent, Adrien, Leo and Xavier there. Xavier was in his uniform. Where was Xander and most importantly, where was Nat? I remind myself that she is probably coming down soon. I sit down in one of the barstools beside Xavier and Adrien.

I start scrolling through my phone trying to check my work emails, but all my thoughts are about Nat.

I'm assuming that Adrien has told Vincent about today's event and he will probably have a chit chat with Nat sooner rather than later. A few minutes go by and Nat walks in. She has her shoulder lifted up with a phone sandwiched in between her ear. She was talking to someone in a cheery voice, I'm guessing one of her old friends.

She started laughing and smiling.

Words can't describe the amount of jealousy that was floating around in the room. Everyone's eyes were full of envy, especially Adrien's eyes. He is the closest to Nat currently, I could tell how badly he wanted it to be him. We all wanted to make her laugh like that. We all wanted to make her smile like that.

We all want to make her happy.

She started to scan the fridge for some ingredients. We all watch her in awe, even though she didn't acknowledge us, she still had an affect on us. So adorable.

She then says "Seb, did you even pack all my clothes? I would be naked if you didn't haha!" she joked. I hope it was a joke. It better be a joke, or he'll have hell to pay. She continues to make what seems like grilled cheese sandwiches? I'm pretty sure it's a thing from the UK.

We all look at each other until our eyes fall on her body. Adrien's eyes were red. Her bruises were darker in colour.

She then pauses and lets out a small giggle. She had the biggest smile I had ever seen plastered all over her face. She then says "What do you mean you wouldn't mind?" she laughs. We all share each other a 'what did she say?' glance. Finally Vincent speaks up saying "Nat, turn off the phone now." This grabs her attention and she murmurs a small "goodbye" to her friend on the phone. She then shove her phone in her sweatpants.

Now all of her attention is finally on us. Finally.

She then says "What do you want?" in a snappy attitude. This then in turn makes Vincent ask "Who were you talking with?" She then replies with "Just Seb." She shrugs her shoulders.

She then shoves a plate of six sandwiches on the counter. She then mentions "Eat up or the food will get cold." she then begins to retreat back to her room. Why did she make us food?

I couldn't let my thoughts only roam in my mind so I voiced it out loud. "Nat, why did you make us food?"

She then says "Why wouldn't I? Mother said I should always prepare breakfast or I'd get punished."

She then begins to walk away again when this time Leo grabs her arm. She winces at his action which makes him immediately let it go. He then jogs a little to get in front of her as she walks away and grabs her by the waist and flings her over his body. This makes her begin to punch his back.

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