chapter 15: bags in hand

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Natasha's pov:

This was going to be fun, I think to myself in a sarcastic tone.

The car parks into a dark grey coloured open parking lot. We all open our car doors and walk towards the HUGE mall. We take the elevator up and let's just say that it was a quiet ride. Once we get to the top my biological brothers take big strides over to the left hand side of the mall. Their walk was so fast it was hard to keep up, but I managed.

They surely got their 10k steps a day, that's for sure.

As I catch up with them, they turn into the Ralph Lauren store. Damn. I knew that they were rich but not this rich. I knew that I only had around £3000 so I could possibly afford something here, but I much rather not. I knew that the annual charity mafia ball was in around two months and I needed a dress badly.

I decided to just save my money in that case.

My two youngest brothers start browsing at the men's collection while I just linger around the shop. I haven't really step foot into many luxury stores before. I was more of a thrift shop kinda girl. If you know, you know.

It felt better knowing that I was reusing clothes instead of putting it into the rubbish. It was better for our Earth. It was the least I could do, considering all the corpses that I had previously put into the ground.

I push my thoughts aside.

I wander into the school supplies section and my eyes have been blessed with a sight if the most stunning backpack that I had ever seen. It was black with a gold brand label. It was so simple but yet so elegant all at the same time.

I immediately go to check the price because I am used to not getting attached to things at first sight

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I immediately go to check the price because I am used to not getting attached to things at first sight.

It was €1000.

How can a school bag be this expensive? It was outrageous at this point. My current school bag was around 20 quid. I couldn't deal with all this today anyways. I begin heading back towards the door when I hear someone say something directed to me.

"Did you want that?" Xavier asks me gesturing to the bag in my reach. I turn around to face him. That man sure knows how to sneak up on people, that's for sure.

"Uh nah it's fine. I don't feel like shopping today anyways, sorry." I reply back.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Xander walking towards Xavier with two full bags of Ralph Lauren clothes in it. He looks me up and down and directs his gaze back to Xavier.

"Do you not feel like shopping, or can you not afford to shop?" Xander remarks. Xavier immediately senses my discomfort around Xander's presence and defends me instantly.

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