chapter 22: surprises oh surprises

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Vincent's pov:

I call my personal assistant to tell her to clear my meeting in 5 minutes for personal reasons and I dial a number that I wouldn't dare to yesterday. You guessed it, Flynn fucking Rider. He picks up after around three rings and answers "Flynn here, who is this?" in his abnormally British accent. I automatically grimace at his response but I remind myself that this is all for Nat's sake.

And I would do it one hundred times for her over and over again.

"It's Vincent. You will come by the house at around 17:00 and you'll stay with Nat till tomorrow 10am." I manage to say within one breath. The other line pauses for a moment but then he asks "Why would you have all people, do such a thing?" Without any hesitation I say "Because I love her. Although we may not be on the best of terms right now, she is my sister and I would do just about anything for her." I meant every ounce of what I said.

"I'll be there." Flynn replies nonchalantly.

"Good to know." I finalise coldly and hang up. Although he's one of the many people that I don't want in my house, I have to do what's necessary to salvage what is left of Nat's and my relationship together. Even if it means I have to invite him over.

I'll do anything to be able to grasp her in my arms again like when she was little. After yesterday's eavesdropping dilemma, I want to reassure her that everything is going to be okay and that she's perfectly safe with us.

There was a possibility, even if it was small, that we could rekindle what we once had. I was going to do anything to achieve that, and I mean anything.

I put my phone into my suit's pocket and as I'm doing so, out of the corner of my eye, I spot a picture frame. On display is a photograph of my princess and I. She is giggling whilst on my shoulders at a theme park. She looked around 4-5 years old. I remember the event as if it was yesterday.


It was a sunny, warm day midst July. My family and I were visiting the Brazilian version of Six Flags which was more commonly known as Thermas dos Laranjais. We would go annually with all the family. This included my uncles and aunts, even my 4th cousins.

Family bonding time. My favourite.

Although they were my distant relatives, I got on pretty well with them as they were more business inclined than others. As the eldest I was used to this. It might seem pretty sad for a fourteen year old at the time but it is what it is. From what it's worth, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Even if that meant losing my princess.

Nat had already gotten tired from walking so much with her itty-bitty legs so I plopped her up on my shoulders. She was so small for her age. She had gorgeous brownish curls with the deepest aqua coloured eyes. She had blush pink chubby cheeks and was the most adorable person in the whole entire world.

She still is.

I hear a camera click and when I turn around I see an employee trying to take a picture of everyone. Let's just say that the minimum wage deserved to be hired just for that employee. I put on a fake smile for the first few photographs whilst everyone was getting into position. Then my princess lets out a little giggle and my real smile comes out.

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