chapter 24: family feud

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Natasha's pov:

Flynn grabs a spare stool and sits down beside me. Together, we manage to launch three missiles directed at the Delaware warehouse. Hopefully this would cause enough chaos for Charles and he would focus on the warehouse situation instead of trying to get his son out of prison.

Where he deserves to be.

times passes

We spent the past couple of hours chatting about things like Formula 1 to how German Shepards are the superior dog breed. We even discussed the possibility of Vincent being the head mafia of Brazil. I check my watch and the time reads 19:20. I look back to Flynn who was already studying me. I pout and announce "It's dinner time." Flynn sassily rolls his eyes and says "They can wait a few minutes."

The corner of his mouth tilts a little.

"Only five." I warn replying with another smirk.

"Why do you even need to go downstairs on time?" Flynn asks whiney. "Cause it's polite. You do the same don't you?" I counter back. "I mean yeah, but that's because they are family. You barely even know these people." He rebuttals. whilst murmuring the last sentence. I contradict him "I may not know them well enough to consider them family but at least they provide me with basic needs such as a warm meal."

I didn't necessarily like my biological brothers but they're better than mum.

"Yea, yea whatever." He mocks. "What's your problem Flynn?" I ask puzzled. He stares deeply into my marine eyes. "It might seem childish or something, but I genuinely don't trust them to take care of you." He admits. "I care for you princess, I truly do, but I just don't think these people have the right intentions for you at heart." He blurts out.

What the actual heck?

I question him spontaneously, clearly not using my head "How do you know what's best for me, hm?"

"I just don't trust them okay? Not until we figure out if they're truly in the mafia or not." He finalises swiftly. I take a moment to digest his take on my biological brothers. "I understand your concern for my safety, I really do, but some of them have been nothing but nice to me and I would take that anyday over what I had before." I finish solemnly.

He knew exactly what I really meant.

"Look, it's getting late for dinner and we should get a move on." I say whilst getting up. "Tash, wait." He says to my back. I can sense his tall figure rising behind me. I can feel his gaze lingering to my back. "What now?" I ask in the same position. He starts "Stay." I look over my shoulder and then I fully turn to face him.

I wasn't hungry but I wanted to spend time with my biological brothers as Flynn was getting on my nerves.

"Pick princess. Pick between them or the trio." he orders me confidently. I was appalled to say the least. "You're genuinely making me choose between you or my biological brothers?" I ask repeatedly as if I didn't hear correctly. "Yes. It's either Seb and I or them." He confirms. "Flynn, I'm living in their house. It's a completely unfair ultimatum." I reply shockingly.

"I have my answer." He replies coldly whilst he starts to gather his belongings.

"Flynn it's not like that-" I start. "It seems that way." He finishes nonchalantly. "Flynn, please list-" I begin again. "You don't even know these people Tash. You've known us for years. We've been there for you thick and thin and you're choosing the people you met this week over us. It seems to me that you've already made your choice." He finalises and begins to head for my bedroom door.

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