chapter 25: unexpected amends

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Natasha's pov:

We were in the middle of our duel when the doors burst open for the third time today. I was none other than the infamous and irritating Xander. I knew right then and there that he was my next opponent that I wanted to fight. I could even feel the rage bubbling from within my blood.

I also felt that everyone in the room could feel the tension between us.

I was desperate to fight him so urgently that I quickly wrapped my short legs around Adrien's leen 6'4ft frame and made my way to his neck. He collapsed onto the floor and tapped out whilst out of breath. The rest of my biological brothers laughed again except Xander of course. He didn't look amused but infact impressed.

Chase announces with a proud grin "Looks like Tash wins, yet again."

I bow down playfully and chuckled along with the rest of my biological brothers whilst soaking up the moment. They all individually congratulated me for my victory whilst Xander just stood there with his thick arms folded. I can't seem to read his expression in the moment.

He just stares at me like I'm a blank canvas and he's trying to study me.

"What do you want hm?" I directly call at him. He takes a moment to pause before saying "If you think you're the biggest champion within this room, you're heavily mistaken." He speaks with his head tilted and focused at me all at the same time. This asshole really thinks that he can psych me out?

Oh please. "This kitten has claws and she isn't afraid to use them dumbass." I remake whilst briefly rolling my eyes.

I also forgot to mention how petty I could truly be. He then walks around me in an everlasting circle. I know that he's trying to work me up, which isn't working. "Your worthless attempts at aggravating me aren't working buddy." I announce sarcastically. "Oh indeed they are. You plus me, in there, right now."

I take a moment to consider his offer even though we all knew the answer.

"Be my guest." I respond snarky. My hands gesture to the mats that were previously there from Adrien and my duel together. He against me. Xander versus Natasha. One of the more controversial fights that I have participated in. And came out victorious while doing so. His 6ft frame is opposite to my 5ft one.

Nothing I couldn't handle already.

Chase blows the whistle and the match commences. Xander lunges at me and I stand to the side to watch him shamelessly run into the open space. Pfft, amateur. Everyone's eyes are constantly switching between Xander's and mine. He comes at me again with a raging fist. I put all my force from my back leg to my core and then finally towards my forearm to gracefully grasp onto his arm and twist it to the side.

Not enough to do damage but just enough to hurt him.

He stumbles and shrieks out loud in a mixture of pain and frustration. I let out a small giggle of satisfaction. This only angers him more. He scoffs loudly "C'mere you little shit." I take a pause for a brief moment. His words replay in my mind "C'mere you little shit. C'mere you little shit. C'mere you little shit."

Mother used to call me that.

"C'mere you little shit." Is what she said to me when I didn't give her a bottle of liquor. The phrase holds bad memories for me and I get quite sensitive when the words are spoken. That sentence has never been used for good. I zone back into the present. I feel Xander punching me over and over again.

Hard, tough and rough.

That's what I'm supposed to feel, but inside I don't feel a thing. Behind of me, I hear the rest of my biological brothers shouting at Xander to stop and for me to hit him back. Strangely enough, I also hear their voices laced with concern directed at me. They sounded worried. Very worried.

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