chapter 49: back to black

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Natasha's pov:

Once he reaches my lips, one hand balances himself beside my shoulder whilst the other trails down my stomach, working his way down. Although I'm drunker than him, I still have my senses. "You're going to farrr." I whine trying to get him to stop going that direction.

"I think I'll be the judge of that." He slyly smirks and reaches that spot.

"No stoppp." I try to push his hand off my black lace underwear but he doesn't budge. "I'm surprised you're not already soaked, my love." His smile falters because I don't actually find him attractive. "Get off! Stop touching me!" My horse voice yelped concerned. "Fuck it, I need you." Drool forms in his mouth as he rolls up my dress.

This is not what I signed up for.

"Don't touch me!" I try to kick his balls but he applies pressure to my limbs, making me immobile. Now I realise why Seb and Flynn don't drink, they have full control over themselves. I'm resisting his attempt but he's stronger than me. He pins me to the bed with one had whilst the other grazes over my laced panties.

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" I yell, banging on his head with my spare hand.

"Be quiet bitch." He spits on me and holds both of my arms together over my head. "LET ME GO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE." I protest as his erection presses into my underwear, the only thing blocking him from me is the piece of denim on his jeans. This escalated way too quickly for my liking.

I do not feel good in this situation.

"STOP TOUCHING ME!" I scream louder and his hand slaps my face. "Shut the fuck up, you useless cunt." He aggressively assaulted me. My face doesn't budge as I'm used to it, but behind him, I hear the door being prayed open. People banging on the wood, trying to get in.

A familiar voice echos from behind the locked door.

"Don't let that noise distract you sweetheart." He lustily grins at me and strokes his hand against my cheek. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME. " I yelp out in fear as his body makes contact with mine. I close my eyes immediately in fear as the sound of the door being flung wide open, echos throughout the room.

In walks a furious Xavier and Xander, furious being an understatement.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Theo annoyingly turns around to be met with Xander's drunken fist. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER." Xander infuriatingly holds his collar and pins him against the wall. "TOUCH HER, YOU DIE." Xavier growls and repeatedly punches Theo in his face.

"Go to hell." Theo groans in pain and clenches his bloody nose.

Xander head buts Theo into the concrete wall. A ruby red substance coats the ground, or more commonly known as blood. "Nat, did he touch you?" Xavier questions with his chest rising up and down, red pulsing through his veins. I quickly get off the bed and shuffle my dress down.

"He fucking did." I respond briefly out of breath.

As soon as the sentence leave my mouth Xander drops Theo to the floor and begins to ferociously beat him non-stop. "You fucking imbecile." He insults with rage coated between his words. Xavier turns towards me. "TASH I TOLD YOU NO BOYS." He sternly scolds me. "I didn't want him!" I lash out.

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