chapter 10: reunited again

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Natasha's pov:

The truth was that I learned them to communicate with my enemies and allies, but they couldn't know that..

"Mum taught me, she said it was mandatory to learn the languages." I lied.

"She must've been a good teacher then." Chase said with a mouthful of his second burger.

I nod to his statement hoping to not initiate anymore conversation between me and my biological brothers. I begin looking around the room as I didn't really have a good look last night. And not to mention I was pretty darn curious.

It was beautiful.

The room was in the corner of the open sectioned area. There were mainly windows surrounding the table with jaw dropping views. Brazil was truly the most gorgeous country that I have set foot on. You could see all the nature around the mansion. The different shades of green and the different hues of the vibrant colours all popped out to me.

I was peacefully admiring the scenery until someone asked me yet another question.

"Nat, would you like to join me and Chase in the gaming room?" asked Leo.

"Uh, yea sure I guess." I answered back.

He must've noticed my boredom. And beside, what's the worst that can happen?

Adrien and Vincent sit there and watch Chase, Leo and I walk out of the room. We turn to pass the right corner, down the hallway, turn another left corner and then the gaming room appears into my field of vision.

I sit on the L part of the massive couch while my two biological brothers manspread on the other parts. Chase tosses me a controller and I recognise that it is a Playstation 5.


I've only seen them online. Flynn had a Playstation 4 and we used to play on that after school with Seb. I figured that the controller was like Flynn's one so I practically already knew how to use it. I hovered my thumbs over the two joysticks.

Leo then looks over to me and asks "You know how to play Call of Duty?"

"Do you know how to play Call of Duty?" I question him back in a sarcastic tone.

He then switches his gaze towards Chase, and Chase gives him an affirmative nod.

Leo then says "It's on Nat!"

Time Passes:

After a few rounds, words cannot describe how shocked they were at my skills. They lost 10 of the 11 rounds that we played. They were all sweaty and stinky, ew BO. They were also extremely competitive, and were such sore losers.

"Pftttt amateurs." I murmured.

"Mind repeating that again?" Leo yelled out of frustration.

He was definitely jealous of how good I was. I'm so grateful for Seb, he taught me so well.

I pick up the controller again and we begin to play round 12.

Time Passes:

We continued playing for the next fifteen minutes. By the time I knew it, it was already 15:30. We were just finishing round 16 when I suddenly remembered..

EEEEEEKKK!! Flynn should be here any second! I couldn't wait! I was so excited that my throat randomly went sore and I began to cough.

It was as if Chase was reading my mind and he then asks "Do you want to grab a drink?"

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