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Ohm: shi*t what just I said to him...

      I still able to see how shock Non was.

Non: What you mean by it Ohm!

    Ohm:  I mean look you know how stressed was Iam in this marriage situation Non, "Iam just fine how my life going now" but my parents wants me to find a mate soon want me to get marry someone who I even don't want I was so done with this so called Date where there arranged someone who well known my family status, want me just for this I feel nothing but feel burden to my family Non...

Non: Ohm I can understand you I know it was hard for you, but I still don't get what it relates to me getting married to you gonna solve any problem here it's gonna be nothing but another problem to you Ohm.

Ohm: I know it was one of the craziest destination I ever made in my life Non, But please Non understand me for know the only person I can trust is you, I feel safe just by standing near you if you ask me reason why I chose you I don't know but I want you to be one for now.

Non: For know one thing I accept is yes it was crazy but I still want you think about it again Ohm... I want some time for myself to think, Can we stop it for now.

Ohm: Fine' But I hope you understand me Non' I don't disturb you can continue your work, sorry for pulling you into my messyness....

Non:Ok Ohm I'll go for know....

     Was he gone crazy why he even asked me out of all.

         If he want to can be with anyone, but I understand him Ohm was not me if it was me I would choose anyone for money I don't wait for this so call comfort or love but Ohm already has something which I don't have at after all we always want something which we don't have" He want someone who love him for as him not for his money" where I am want money cause I still think if I money I can buy anything I want in my life.

     But if I ask Ohm money will I be any different from all of Ex who broke him with the name of love they played with his feelings will I do the same thing to him.

        My inner wolf pran was feeling guilty and sad I don't why it feels like that though.

        What else madness happened today .

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