Chapter 15

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[Cody's POV]

After waiting for like FOREVER, just sitting, back up against the wall, waiting for Noah to be done talking with the others, he FINALLY opens the door. I get up, and I'm about to try and go into the living room, but Noah stops me-?

N: Uhh- Can I talk with you privately for a sec-?

He looks, and sounds, really nervous-? Is it something bad?? Is he mad at them?? Or maybe me?? No- Right??

C: Um- Sure! Of course!

I smile at him, a bit nervously, but it's good enough- Noah grabs my hand, and leads me into the closes room. Seems to be a large bedroom! Pretty plain, with a king sized bed, in the middle. We sit down on the bed, next to each other.

N: I gotta talk with you...

I'm getting more nervous-! What could it be?? Did I do something bad?? Noah breathes out, seeming to try and calm himself down??

N: I wanna be honest with you, and I want you to be honest with me. Does that sound fine to you?

He says making a nervous smile, at me. I nod in response. Of course I'll be honest with him!

N: I... I REALLY like you! No- I am in love with you...! And... I feel so comfortable around you. It feels like I've known you forever. And... I wanna be with you. I wanna be around you.

Noah has his head down, looking at his hands, while fidgeting with them. My eyes widen and my heartbeat speeds up like crazy, hearing him say all those things- I feel like I'm gonna explode! But at the same time I feel paralyzed- I don't move, and I can't open my mouth. We sit there for a sec, before Noah continues.

N: I feel so selfish, and stupid for this... But... I... I don't want you to leave...!

My eyes start tearing up, I feel so out of control with my body, I can't stop the tears, and I can speak, but luckily now, I feel as I can move my body a bit. I take my hand up, and hold it to my lips, who are basically trembling now. Noah looks up at me, probably hoping or expecting an answer, but instead he sees my face, probably looking so pathetic... I just... How...?? Why...?? He actually wants me to stay...?? He loves me...?? He wants to be with... Me...??

Before I can do anything, or think anything else, he... Gently wipes a tear from my cheek...? I look at his eyes, and see his soft smile. I just start crying more, and he pulls me into an embrace.

N: I love you. I love you so much, that's it's crazy.

He chuckles.

N: And... I'll always love you. I'll always be here for you. Even if you decide you wanna go back, when you can. I promised I would help you get back, and I'll be sure to keep that promise. But I still hope, that maybe you would pick me, in the end.

I wanna respond, I wanna tell him how I feel too! But I just can't... Why would he say that... Why... why...

[Noah's POV]

I suddenly hear that the sobbing stopped. As I look down, I see Cody had fallen asleep. He's still clinging onto my shirt, like his life depended on it- But he seemed pretty calm, and peaceful. I hope, that I can take that response, as he feels the same... At least in the "I love you" part...! That's all I can hope for... I can't make him stay, and I won't. If he wants to go... I won't stop him... But... I can still hope...!

My phone buzz, I have it in my pocket, so I have to let go of Cody, for a sec, with one arm, to reach for it. I do just that, and get it out.

(Message) Gwen: What's taking so long?? You done yet??

(Message) Noah: Cody kinda fell asleep- Can you guys just keep playing, or something-?

(Message) Gwen: WHAT DO YOU POSSIBLY MEAN BY "Cody kinda feel asleep-"??

(Message) Noah: He's asleep. Bye.

I close my phone, and put it down on the bed, next to me.

After about 20 minutes, my phone buzzed again. I pick it up, being a bit annoyed.

(Message) Owen: Buddy, we are going to bed in a bit, the others are staying over! You two wanna stay over as well??

(Message) Noah: Sure, but can we use a room, to sleep in? (A/N: When they have sleep overs, they usually all sleep on separate mattresses, on the living room floor! Owen has a lot of guest rooms, but it more fun to all sleep together, when it's a sleepover XP)

(Message) Owen: Of course Buddy! Come out and ask, if you need anything!

I close and put my phone down again. And I go to give Cody a little shake, to wake him up.

N: Wake up sleepyhead~

I say softly, while I shake him lightly, trying my best to wake him softly. Cody slowly opens his eyes, and stretches his arms out, into the air.

C: wha- huh-?

He says, seeming pretty confused.

N: You can't sleep here, on me, forever. We gotta properly go to bed. Owen said we could stay in any room, so you don't gotta worry about turning back, and the others seeing you! (A/N: He didn't turn back, through the little nap! He gotta be like PROPERLY asleep!)

[Cody's POV]

C: Oh...

He smiles, looking confused at me.

C: Noah.

N: Yeah? You don't wanna sleep here? Or something else?? I can get you whatever you ne-

C: No! I mean- It's not that-!

He looks a bit confused, but mostly concerned, at me.

N: Is something wrong...?

C: Not at all! I just... I wanna talk with you!

N: Oh um- Of course-!

We both sit up straight, on our knees, on the bed, looking straight at each other.

C: You were honest with me, and now I'm honest with you! That's what we said!

N: Yeah, of course...! But you don't gotta force yoursel-

C: No! I want to!

He nods at me, showing he's ready to listen.

C: I love you.

His eyes widen, probably not expecting it so straight forward, and to be said immediately. But then his face, melts into the softest smile, that I've ever seen him make... It's really pretty- Back on track!

C: And I LOVE being around you, hanging out with you, talking with you! And especially hugging, and being close by you! And... I wanna be with you too! I wanna stay! I wanna live with you, till the day I die!

I jump onto Noah, not knocking him back, though not onto his back, he's still siting up, and I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly, but not so he can't breathe! Noah let's out a giggle, and hugs me back.

N: We're idiots.

We both start laughing. We fall back onto the bed, breaking the hug, and just lay there, our bodies spread out, all over the bed, for a bit.

We finally, after a while, of just laughing together, decide to get ready, and head to bed. And we do just that, snuggling up to each other, as we drift off to sleep.

[Words: 1239]

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