Chapter 18

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[Cody's POV]

We finish the movie, and it was super good! It had a bunch of cute animals in it, and I got to learn a bunch of their species's names! From what the movie called them, I didn't interrupt, and ask questions though!
Also! Noah bought me "popcorn" for the movie, and it tasted SO GOOD!

We walk out the movie theater holding hands, and I've of course, already thrown the popcorn container away, before leaving! Noah told me where to throw it out!

C: What now? We heading home or-

Before I could finish Noah quickly pulls me, in a direction, of a big forest, it seems.

N: Nope! I got something else planned!

Noah exclaims excitedly, dragging me along. I chuckle a bit. We get to the start of the forest, where we stop, and there's a path.

C: Can I know what we're doing?

I ask chuckling, and smiling at him.

N: We're going to take a nice walk through the forest, until we hit the middle of the forest, where there's a big beautiful lake!

He smiles, looking really proud of himself.

N: There's also something we'll do, when we get to the lake, but that's a surprise!

He smirks at me, grabbing onto my hand again, he had let it go for a sec, to let me spin a bit around, and look around, at the start of the path. We start walking along the path, walking at a normal pace, taking in the beautiful green forest.

C: Woah! What's that??

I say pointing to a small flying animal.

N: It's a bird! I don't know too much about birds though, so I can't tell you, exactly what type of bird it is.

We both laugh a bit, and walk on. Throughout the walk, we see more birds, chirping cutely, and flying around, a little river, some bugs, frogs, we saw a hare, bee's, beautiful flowers, small fishes in the little river, all sorts of different trees, and so much more, but listing every little thing, would be impossible! Noah told me what the all the things, and animals, are called, and told me all sorts of cool facts about the different things, and animals, as well! Noah's so smart, and cool! I'm so happy to have met him, and EVEN more happy, that we can do stuff like this, just go on a nice walk, through a gorgeous forest, holding hands, while Noah tells me all about, all these new things! Well not new, but new for me! The earth is so interesting, with so many different things! Home world is just SO boring! Everything's the same. It's just rocks everywhere! And everyone is so boring too! All they wanna do is basic stuff- Like, it's just school, if you're a kid, and work, if you're an adult! And in your free time, study or do something else boring! Ugh!

[Noah's POV]

We finally make our way to the lake, and Cody's jaw drops, in amazement, I'm guessing.

C: Woah- That's so pretty!

I lead him closer to the lake, and stop him. I put my bag down, and pull out a picnic blanket, and put it down on the ground gently. I pat the blanket, motioning for Cody, to sit down. He smile's excitedly, and goes, to sits down, on the blanket.

C: It's really pretty! And nobody's really around! How did you find this place?

N: I like going on walks! It's the entire reason we met as well, so makes it 10 times better!

I say chuckling. He smiles.

N: But yeah, I like going on walks. I go through this forest, when I want a longer walk, while I go around the park, when I want a shorter walk. Like for example, at night! Like when I met you, of course!

C: I'm really glad you did!

We both smile at each other, and I sit down over from him, and pull out a basket, from my bag.

C: Oooo, what's that??

N: Our food! Can't have a picnic without food or snacks.

I laugh.

C: You eat that-?

N: Not the basket silly! The food is inside!

I start laughing more, and he laughs as well.

C: I probably should have guessed that-

We both are laughing. It's really nice.

N: Yeah, you probably should have.

The laughing dies down, and I go to get the food out. I pull out the food, and put it out, on a plate each. Cody observes the food, mouth agape, almost drooling- I'm guessing he likes it, which I'm really happy about! Would have been awkward, if I spent all this time and money, getting it all ready, for him to not like it-

N: Feel free to try whatever you want!

C: Really?! Anything?!

N: Yup! I bought it for you anyway.

I let out a little chuckle, and look at him, with my head tilted a bit to the side, and a melted smile on my face. He's so adorable. I could stare at him for hours, and not get bored. The excitement on his face, is the most adorable thing, that I've ever seen. I love him so much.

Cody starts trying the different things I brought, and he absolutely loves it. He's really vocal about it as well.

C: This is so good!

He says with his mouth stuffed with chocolate covered strawberries. I laugh and he keeps eating. Cody quickly eats every single chocolate covered strawberry, I was a little worried, that he was gonna choke on one, but he ate them, without anything going wrong. I'm personally not the biggest fan of plain strawberries, and chocolate covered isn't necessarily my thing either, so I told Cody in advance, that they were ALL for him, specifically! After finishing them all, he looks at me, with a big smile on his face.


N: Chocolate covered strawberries! You remember you got a strawberry smoothie, right?

He nods.

N: It's just the strawberry used in the smoothie, but plain, and with chocolate on it!

C: Cool!

Cody says with an amazed expression. I notice some chocolate on his cheek, and go to wipe it off. I lean over the basket, lick my finger, and wipe off the chocolate. And I sit back down.

N: Sorry, you had some chocolate.

C: Oh- Sorry! Maybe I was a little messy-

N: No no, it's fine! I don't mind!

I then tell Cody, about the other things, that I have brought, and we starting eating the sandwiches together, and after start digging into the other things. I fed him some of the grapes, which he seemed to enjoy, and so did I as well, of course! We just ate, laughed and talked, it was super nice!

After a while of just eating, talking and laughing, I realized the sun was starting to go down.

N: Cody!

C: Yeah??

I grab his face, and turn it, to look at the sunset. We can just barely see it, over the trees, but it's absolutely beautiful.

C: Woah-

N: Pretty, right?

I chuckle. Cody scoots over next to me, and lays his head on my shoulder, as we watch the sunset together.

[Words: 1217]

"My Lonely Alien" - [Noco] || [Alien Cody AU]Where stories live. Discover now