Chapter 19

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[Cody's POV]

I scoot over to Noah, resting me head, on his shoulder, as we watch the sun go down. It's super pretty! You can barely see the sun, from my planet, but I've always found it really pretty, so seeing it, up close, or at least closer, is so cool! And especially all the pretty colors, that the sky turns, as the sun goes down, behind the trees! It's so pretty to see, and I'm so excited, and happy, that Noah showed me, all of this. But I'm even more happy, about getting to see it WITH Noah! Definitely because I love his company, and just being around him, but~ Also kinda because he tells me cool facts, and explains anything, that I ask about!

I kinda start to doze off, on his shoulder, because it's just so comfortable, nice, and relaxing. But Noah started talking, bringing my focus back.

N: Cody.

C: Yeah?

N: I love you.

C: I love you too.

I start just relaxing again, but this time not dozing off, in a sleeping way, at least, because I started dozing off, into my thoughts. This is just so nice! I wanna live everyday like this. Being next to Noah, is just so comforting and amazing, and- I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT! IT'S JUST AMAZING! I REALLY love Noah! With ALL of my heart! It's so weird... I've never felt this way...! I've never expected anything like this! Now that I'm think about it... How did this happen...? Why did this happen?! I don't mean me and Noah getting close! I mean... The portal...! And what are we gonna do...? Should I try and find a way to get back...? I mean... I'm definitely not leaving Noah. But what about my parents...? They didn't care TOO much about me. But they are still my parents, and they took care of me! They just want the best for me...! I think... I think that they just want me to be really smart, and get a good life...! But I don't want the "good life", that they want me to have...! What should I do...? NO! I don't gotta worry! I'm here! And I have Noah now! My life is perfect, and nothing gonna come in between that! If we do find a portal back... I'm just not gonna go!

Noah, I would guess, realizes that something was off with me. He lifts his head up, which he was lightly resting on mine, and speaks.

N: You okay?

C: I'm fine...! Just... Thinking...!

N: Would you wanna talk about it...?

I let out a sigh of relief. Being completely honest, I wanted to tell Noah about it! I wanna talk with him about it! I wanna hear, what he thinks as well! So having him ask, makes me feel better about saying it, and asking him, how he feels!

C: What's gonna happen, if we find a way, for me to get back...? Like a new portal...?

I could feel Noah, slightly jump, and tense up, at my question.

N: Umm-

C: I don't wanna leave...! I wanna stay with you...!

I feel Noah's body slump down again, as he lets out, a BIG sigh of relief.

N: You should stay than!

He kinda says sounding a bit- Excited? I think-! I can't quite tell- He seems a bit nervous, and or anxious, but sounded happy saying that!

N: I mean- You should probably get permission from your family-! They are probably worried sick about you...

Noah pauses, and so do I, trying to find a good response.

C: I don't know... I really have no idea, how they are reacting, or how they will react, when I get back... Or just when they see me again...

C: What if they get mad at me...?

N: I'm sure they wouldn't...! They'll definitely be happy, to see you...!

He pauses, not sounding unsure?? But like, he's a bit upset??

C: Are you okay...?

N: Cody...

C: Yes...?

N: I want you to be happy...! And... If going home, will make you happy, we should prioritize, finding a way, to get you back!

I lift my head, and turn to look at him, in complete shock, he looks over at me, and his face turns to surprise, after seeing my expression.

C: No! I really do wanna stay! I'm not just saying that, to make you happy, or for any other stupid reason! I mean it!

I'm not sure, what I do, but my body does it without thinking, or even knowing, what it's doing. I, now siting on my knees, grab onto Noah's face, with one hand, on each side of his face, and pull his face towards mine, kissing him, and closing my eyes.
Hoping and praying Noah won't hate me, for doing this, without asking or anything. I don't know ANYTHING about kissing, or anything of those sorts. But I know it's something partners do, like it's something you do, when you love each other. And I wanted to prove to him, that I DID care about him, and he DOES mean a LOT to me! I just, don't...

He doesn't pull away, tense up, or anything, of that sort. He kisses me back...?? It's quite nice... I let go of his face, and we pull away, after a bit, I open my eyes, and we just stare at each other.

C: I- I'm so sorry!!

He starts laughing??

N: You're so cute! Come here dummy.

He throws his arms out, and wrap them around me, pulling me in for a hug. I start smiling uncontrollably, and hug him back. After a bit, we let go, and fall back onto the picnic blanket, looking up at the stars.

C: Thanks for bringing me out here!

We look over at each other, and he smiles at me.

C: I love you!

N: Love you more!

He says, as he starts to laugh, a bit.

C: Hey! Not fair! You can't possibly love me more, than I love you!

I say laughing with him.

N: The stars are really beautiful...

C: Yeah... They really are!

We look at the stars, and Noah start pointing to ones, and explaining how they are constellations, and what their names are, and such! It's really cool! And he knows A LOT about it!

After what felt like was forever, and no time at all, at the same time, somehow, Noah's Mom "called", or whatever Noah called it-

(Call) N's Mom: You boys better get home soon! It's school tomorrow, and it's already SUPER late!!

N: Sorry! Lost track of time-!

They end the call, and me and Noah laugh to each other, as we roll over on our stomachs, to get up, from the picnic blanket. We get up, pack all the plates and such, into the basket, and put the basket and picnic blanket, back into Noah backpack. We then hold hands, and make our way back to Noah's House.

When we get back, everyone, other than Noah's Mom, has gone to sleep, and she scolds us a little, for being out for so long, and such- Pretty light hearted scolding though! We go up to Noah's room, get ready, and head to bed. I fall asleep, excited for tomorrow, especially school! It's going to be so fun, learning all sorts of new things! And also hanging out with the others, and Noah, obviously!

[Words: 1246]

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