pocketing season.

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jake shouldn't have. he knew he shouldn't have stolen someones wallet! but he needed the money.

he and his friends did it for business, alright? cut him some slack. jake ran down the alleyway, a thick black leather wallet clutched in his sweaty palm.

the wind and rain were ruining his hair but he didn't care. all he could think about was the disappointed look on heeseung's face when he realised jake had brought home stolen money.

less money than last week.

that stern gaze and bulky crossed arms.. they could make jake's heart race for all the wrong reasons.

yeah, jake had a big thing for heeseung.

...but it was no use. heeseung hated jake to his very core, always picking on the younger lad and shaming him infront of the other guys.

negative attention is still attention though, right? so jake didn't mind.

★ — !

"are you fucking kidding me, sim?" sunghoon hissed, panic in his eyes.

jake glanced, his cheeks stuffed with bread as he gulped down his food. the odd crumb around his lip. "what? it's still ₩4,900,000, hoon. there's no way he's gonna be pissed."

sunghoon crossed his arms, leant against the apartment wall. the apartment was shared by 4 guys all together: jake, heeseung, sunghoon and riki.

riki was quite young but.. heeseung had a soft spot for the kid. everyone did. he was a hard worker and a good kid.

"don't you have any fear?" sunghoon sighed, taking jakes food and having a bite himself. the blonde's eyes on jake's sullen expression.

"heeseung can't be that mad—"

"i can't be mad about what?" heeseung's voice chimmed in. heavy footsteps entering the kitchen. jake winced inwardly and hung his head.

a silence filled the room, sunghoon feeling awkward as he chewed quietly. he really felt for jake. the guy was constantly being put down by heeseung, with no effort to stand up for himself.

jake bit his lower lip, "i got ₩4,900,000. it's, uh, on your desk. hyung."

the brunette raised his head, expecting to see a pissy heeseung with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. and that he did.

"that's fucking pathetic. that'll last us one month at best," heeseung spat, slamming his hands against the wooden surface and looming over jake, "you need to step your game up, sim. even riki does it better than you and the kid's 18!" heeseung snarked. his eyes were sharp and staring right into jake's soul.

"i-i know, i'm sorry. i'll try harder." jake pleaded, staring up at the older boy.

the two shared heavy eye contact. but, jake could only focus on the way heeseung looked so intently at him.. his mind wandering to different scenarios. he wished heeseung could try and see the better side of jake at least. not mistake his kindness for weakness.

heeseung snickered, smirking. "you? try harder? i'll believe it when i see it. i want ₩13,000,000 by monday or you'll get much worse than a telling off." he threatens, tracing his finger across jake's jaw, "understood, doll?"

jake's breath caught in his throat. he nodded his head, the heat rushing to the tips of his ears. doll.

! — ★

the rest of the night consisted of jake laying awake in his bed; lamp on, glasses on and notebook out. he needed a plan to get that ₩13,000,000. and fast.

he wanted to impress heeseung for once in his goddamn life.

jake groaned, looking at the clock. 1:40AM. the brunette grimaced and slid out of bed, embarrassed he was trying so hard for someone who probably didn't even care anyways. the sound of feet tapping against the floor could be heard in the apartment as jake scurried to have a cig.

"stupid.." he grumbled.

"what's stupid?" a voice whispered back.

jake stopped, stumbling and slamming against the floor. he groaned, rolling onto his back. "jesus christ, riki. you scared me."

the younger snickered. he was sat at the dinner table counting cash; like most nights. jake huffed, "how much we got all together?" he asked.

riki shrugged, "so far i counted.. ₩45,000,000." the boy said, making sure not to mix it up.

jake's shoulders immediately slumped. ₩45,000,000.. and he'd only contributed around ₩7,000,000 of that this month. what a fucking joke. maybe heeseung was right.. pathetic.

"fantastic." he snorted sarcastically, grabbing his coat and a pack of cigs from the counter. he ruffled riki's hair. "don't stay up too late kiddo, i'll be back later." jake smiled.

riki nodded, a goofy smile tugging at his lips. "sure thing, hyung."

and with that, jake was headed out of the apartment balcony, sliding down onto the garage roof bellow. he let out a soft grunt as he sat; leant against the brick wall. the air was cold and thick with the scent of weed, alcohol, smoke.., they didn't live in the best apartment complex okay?

jake lit up a cigarette and held it to his lips. his "magical" de-stressor, as he puts it. his magical heeseung forgetting machine. his life fixer.

jake took a sharp breath then exhaled, letting the smoke drift off into the already scent-polluted air of the night. blurring his vision of the starry sky. he knew it then.

he loved lee heeseung.

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