new addition.

627 40 16

jake and riki sat at the kitchen table, jakes shoulders slumped as heeseung introduced the newest member of their group.

"yang jungwon," heeseung muttered, "this nishimura riki."

the tall chestnut haired lad smiled; his dimples on show as he shook riki's hand, "nice to meet you. i'm your hyung right?" jungwon asked riki.

the youngest nod his head and greeted jungwon back. yet, everyone could feel the tension of jake's sour mood. especially heeseung.
but all he did was stare at the brunette, eyes flickering with something as he watched the solemn look on jake's face.
"and this," heeseung sighed, "is the teams weak link." he spat.

of fucking course. jake waved a hand at jungwon, smiling weakly and standing up. weak link, pfft. yeah. "nice to meet you, uh, jungwon. i'll be off." he muttered.

jake pushed his chair under the table, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and.. shoving heeseung's shoulder as he walked past. bold move. new attitude. jake was a little sick of being accused of being a weak link so, he decided to become one. he wouldn't try anymore.

because, what was the point in trying if heeseung truly didn't care when he did try?

sunghoon watched as jake walked off to the balcony. he shared a look with heeseung. "well done, asshole."

the room fell silent at sunghoon's words — the blonde following suit after jake and slamming the balcony door behind him. wow, what a good first impression on jungwon.. yikes.

★ — !

"i just don't give a shit anymore." jake chuckled dryly, glancing at sunghoon and passing him the cigarette. the blonde took it without hesitation, "if i'm such a weak link, why does he insist i stay around?"

"because you let him walk all over you." sunghoon said. the bitter truth behind his words made jake wince inwardly.

but, it was painfully true. jake did let heeseung walk all over him and treat him like scum. it was honestly pathetic in jake's eyes, but he.. loved heeseung. how? he had no idea. he just did.

sunghoon saw the conflicting emotion in his friend's eyes, sighing. "jungwon isn't replacing you. i asked heeseung."

the other boys head snapped to face sunghoon. "really?" he muttered — his slumped posture being fixed almost immediately and a smile tugging at his lips. sunghoon shook his head.

"heeseung hired him so, one, he could bring in more money and also so that riki could have a friend around his own age." the blonde explained; putting the cig out on the brick wall. "but, jake" he continued, "why are you only acting back on heeseung now? why not before?"

jake stared at his friend. a small smile on his lips. heeseung had gone through so much shit growing up, and in all honesty jake had grown up the same way. in some ways jake hoped that this was all an act off protection of heeseungs part since they'd had similar pasts. but there was also the fact of.. "i love him." jake whispered.

he knew sunghoon would judge him, but he didn't have the heart to care anymore. why not just announce it to the world? no one would care! jake laughed softly, running a hand through his hair.

"i love lee heeseung!" he snickered, resting his head back against the brick wall.

sunghoon broke out into laughter too. "you're insane, sim." he chuckled, patting his friends shoulder..


maybe jake was insane. in the years he'd worked alongside heeseung, he'd never been shown any mercy. any kindness. no hint of praise was thrown his way and yet he still loved than man more than life itself. why? god knows!
he just did.

"insane is good sometimes."

sunghoon chuckled, "sure thing jake. hey, uh, by the way," sunghoon asked, raising his brow, "did you check the duffle bag yet?"

the brunette shook his head. "nah, i'll check later."

! — ★

1, 2, 3...

jake opened the duffle bag under his bed. he'd stolen it that evening and hadn't even looked yet. he expected a few hundreds and maybe some gear but no...

"₩87,000,000?" he whispered, reading the little slip / note attatched to the tag. his eyes were practically bulging out of his head. maybe he should try less more often, because wow!

jake hoped up off his bed, running over to heeseung's office and banging on the door. "hyung. you in there?" he yelled.

oh my god. ₩87,000,000!? that wad fucking crazy! and it was in his bedroom..—

"what?" heeseung snapped, clearly exhausted.

"i-i have.." he hesitated, "theres ₩87,000,000 in my bedroom." jake whispered quietly.

then, silence. heeseung stared down at jake and gripped the door frame a little tighter. no.. fucking way did heeseung just hear that right. "₩87... 87,000,000?" heeseung gulped.

jake nod, smiling. he grabbed heeseung's wrist and pulled him across the hall — showing him the duffle bag sat on his bed. the bills were all scattered on the bed and such. heeseung's eyes widened and his face lit up immediately. "holy shit, jake!"

"i know!" he chuckled, "i stole it earlier without even knowing it was in the bag." he muttered.

jake expected the same silent replies or snarky remarks but instead, he got picked up.. and squeezed. jake yelped, clawing at heeseung's shirt.
the purple-haired lad was smiling. "you just made my fucking year." heeseung chuckled.

so.. close. jake thought. heeseung's words didnt even register in his head, too busy trying to swallow the lump in his throat. he'd made heeseungs year or something..? jake didn't know! because.. the man he loved was hugging him.

he's hugging me.

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